Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] if [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The second ( 2.5.4 ) may even surprise and delight you if you 've not seen it before .
2 Indeed , I would not desire you if you did not have a mind and a spirit .
3 They 'll catch you if you stay there . ’
4 How do I know I can trust you if I do n't know what religion you are ?
5 His face had been hidden in the darkness , yet she thought she would recognise him if they met again .
6 They said they had a knife and would attack him if he did n't hand over his own vehicle .
7 Do you know what if we come up tonight cos erm a woman came to the door , a woman came to the door this afternoon and she 's given us a Walkman with a microphone on it and we 've to tape all the conversations with it
8 You 'll never catch anything if you do n't do that .
10 ‘ You 'll head him if he breaks here , ’ she warned .
11 Mum would never let her watch it if she had n't done her letters .
12 ‘ What harm can it possibly do anyone if we do n't let it invade our lives ?
13 We could do it if we did n't hang about .
14 The French or Americans will do it if we do n't , and what about the jobs in Preston , Chelmsford or Rochester ?
15 Then , when I really insisted that they keep right on the centre line , they found they could do it if they tried hard .
16 You should n't have said you were gon na do it if you do n't do it .
17 ‘ After all , you can do anything if you try hard enough . ’
18 ‘ I would never have been a dancer or believed I could do anything if it had not been for him , ’ said Crawford .
19 They said he 'd swap them if they did n't fit .
20 How could the Vendor subsequently defend itself if it has effectively admitted a breach ?
21 They wo n't touch it if they do n't like the smell .
22 ‘ Your parents wo n't like it if we get back together . ’
23 It 's confidential — I mean , you would n't like it if we gave out your address would you ? ’
24 She said , how would you like it if I come along and ripped your head off .
25 ‘ Godfrey did n't like it if I talked too much .
26 ‘ Animals do n't like it if you move suddenly .
27 I told him you would n't like it if you found out , but he said — ’
28 Commercial organisations like the Co-operative Retail Society , the Co-operative Wholesale Society , Marks & Spencer and Iceland have expressed their horror that the Government should so abdicate their responsibility as to say , ’ We shall do nothing if you break the law , ’ and weakly add the unconvincing refrain , as the Home Office Minister did , ’ But we 'd rather like it if you did n't . ’
29 You can freeze it if you do n't
30 ‘ Only if I can keep it if she does n't . ’
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