Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 We must do everything we can to restore her sight but there is no guarantee the operations will be successful . ’
2 You have an opportunity through experience for knowing better than anyone else what is at stake and how much effort it takes , and what a loss it is if you do n't do everything you can to make your partner contented .
3 She will do everything she can to get her daughter back . ’
4 ‘ Do n't you do what you can to help your friends ? ’ she demanded with a show of spirit , and when he did n't answer she went on , ‘ Or are all your relationships based on profit ? ’
5 At a park near the hotel , Anderson promises Mrs Hollar , by means of her son , Sacha , translating , that he will do what he can to help her husband ( scene nine ) and returns to the hotel where he finds McKendrick drunkenly baiting some of the England team in Grayson 's room .
6 They will do whatever they can to make your stay as comfortable as possible — provide chauffeuring as required , offer advice on the area and book fishing and golf .
7 No , it 's the general audacity of the tax system , which was to , to ripe money of us so that it can give us we can spend our money on rubbishing layabouts .
8 But he urged on me that it was the Prime Minister 's particular wish that I should do anything I could to prevent its publication .
9 But if yer do n't believe me I 'll take yer tomorra to see 'er , ’ I told him angrily .
10 If you do n't like it I 'll have me bit back .
11 I can assure you we will keep our side of the bargain … just as soon as you have completed this assignment .
12 They told their father that if he did marry her they would wash their hands of them .
13 But he remained convinced that if only the Elector could hear him he would change his mind :
14 ‘ Why does everybody tell me I ought to watch my drinking when they 're all so busy watching it for me ?
15 The one beside him had accused him of ‘ grassing ’ and told him if he did not admit it he would have his face ripped open .
16 Although they did n't , they did n't act illegally , they did n't say right , we 're going to make the redundancy payment act , but what they did say you retire at fifty , we will make your we will enhance your pension to what you would have got at age sixty , we will enhance your lump sum to what you would have got at age sixty and erm give you a redundancy payment from the firm and obviously everybody fifty and plus they 've gone in thousands , they had enormous waiting lists and then they had to say no , you ca n't go you know , too many people wanted to go .
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