Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [art] [noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Perhaps you could lend me a servant to guide me back to the Grange ? ’
2 I did n't know who the guy riding it was , but through my police issue 200 × 6000 macroscopic laser-prism binoculars I could see he was the same guy who had just bopped the doorman in the head .
3 I , I do n't know who the hell gets it
4 They 'll promise you the earth to get you to come across , then treat you like dirt once they 've satisfied their maternal cravings .
5 ‘ The damned Soviets wo n't know what the hell hit them .
6 He said I do n't know what the car owes me he said can you come back tomorrow about half past ten ?
7 Apart from doing the job of Principal ( for which I shall need a lot of help from the Lord ) , and living as a Christian I do n't yet know what the Lord wants me to do out there .
8 Finally he got so used to me calling that he asked me to come down and give them a hand fixing it up .
9 The Rover closed right up , blatantly harassing him into making one mistake that would give them the excuse to stop him .
10 It would do me no harm to accept it for what it is : an idiosyncrasy of chub , and stop trying to find out why .
11 You did n't even give me a chance to say I would n't do it .
12 ‘ It 'll give me a chance to fill you in on the situation , ’ he 'd told her .
13 What I do n't understand , ’ he added softly , ‘ is why you did n't give me a chance to tell you how it was from my point of view .
14 Yes , if you 'll give me a moment to find them .
15 ‘ You can see that he did n't give himself the time to finish it .
16 Lads , give another lad a tenner to do his horses , if he wants to take off , he 'll say I 'll give you a tenner to do mine tonight .
17 I said I 'll give you a tenner to build it all for me .
18 Yeah , I was gon na give you a ring to say it 's been this way , pick them up
19 That still does n't give you the right to treat me like a child , ’ Robyn persisted .
20 ‘ When you bullied me into this … charade , ’ she spat the words out , ‘ it did n't give you the right to boss me about .
21 Maybe it would do you no service to face it now . ’
22 They can quite easily send you a postcard telling you when a meter inspector will call .
23 ‘ And if I could only reach inside the back pocket of my jeans , I 'd show you the paperwork to prove it . ’
24 I did n't give anybody a chance to hate me .
25 Do not give him a pretext to strike you down . ’
26 May I invite the Minister to come to Monmouth to discuss those problems with the farmers there , which will give him the opportunity to assure them that he is seeking to protect their interests ?
27 For the brutal oriental still held one ace up his sleeve , should they give him the chance to play it .
28 Still , she thought as she closed the door of the trophy-room , it does n't give him the right to treat me like — She bit off the dreadful word that sprang to mind .
29 Just because the guy can drop names we have all heard of and used to know Bruce McLaren does n't give him the right to bore us every week .
30 On Christmas morning , Murphy brought the carriage round to the front door long before Alexandra could send him a message to say she would drive herself to church .
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