Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [prep] [pron] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Oh Shrimpy made me laugh me about it cracks me up like !
2 And he said that I had perceived correctly , that he might do nothing without my goodwill which he would strive to gain , if I would allow it .
3 They are greedy for Humans , the sidh , and if they can once trap you with their music they will carry you down to the caves beneath the sea and steal one of your five senses and tear out your soul . ’
4 If I do n't do something with me life I spend my life sitting here all day
5 I took that line , so the main , the main character goes skiing for the first time , ca n't do it , and is frustrated because everybody else around him can do it including his girlfriend which er adds insult to injury and there is in there of course , a very attractive dashing Austrian ski instructor ; that 's the catalyst really for the drama .
6 Well I 'll just do it in my flat I suppose
7 But if you ca n't do it in your head what you going to do ?
8 Well it 's better if you can do it in your head it means okay you 're a bit cleverer cos you can do it in your head .
9 But when you get to one where you ca n't do it in your head you 've got to go back to this bit .
10 Did you say he was in North Africa ? if we ca n't do anything about his legs we 'll give him a new head when he gets back .
11 ca n't do anything about it David we 're getting in touch with Blackpool , summat 's gone wrong somewhere along the line , that 's what he 's waiting for a call
12 We get money for doing that , but we ca n't spend it in our homes we have to use it in the private sector , so , at the end of the day , er , whether we like it or not , we did n't like these decisions but that 's the way we 've got to go .
13 We sha n't be able to do a thorough coverage , I know , but it 's a relatively small area , and we may as well keep it under what control we can manage between us .
14 Oh I did all my all my working days I us I used to keep it keep it in my pocket you know .
15 If I ca n't control which of my forms she sees — and , at the moment , I 'm definitely having trouble manoeuvring-the psychological effects could be disastrous .
16 She heard him whisper something against her hair which she thought sounded like ‘ bastard ’ but she must have misheard , because why would he say that ?
17 yeah I could n't have somebody in my team who was n't bloody talking to somebody else and that 's what
18 Just as an exclamation and Evie folk would take it into their conversation I think even yet the older ones of them .
19 But we had to go and take it into his culler I had one day at that , I thought I thought I 'd had enough coal .
20 So there was the swings and roundabouts where had they not recognized and had come along with us , to the extent that we thought we could do our , a sharing objective er and it brought them out of the , the attitude that was hitherto adopted where well management really could n't care very much you know , if a man did suffer the loss of er five pound a week or whatever you know , and , and once it was made clear to him that there was no further er er use of the procedure and he could take it through his district you know , if he liked , the man did n't , well on exceptional cases perhaps they may have taken a case through , but er in the majority of cases the man just accepted it , and made up his losses er er later on .
21 ‘ Do we have anyone in our cells who does not claim to be an innocent bystander ? ’ he asked his sergeant .
22 She puts her head back with a nervous , resigned sigh when you put the gun to her head but she does n't try anything as you cuff her hands behind her back .
23 That will prepare him for his duties which will range from tracking people making off from crimes , public order incidents and searching for missing people and property .
24 The compass could tell me in which direction I had to go — it could n't tell me what lay between where I was , and where I wanted to get to .
25 I will pay you in whatever goods you request , at the rate of half a deben of silver a day .
26 The patient will tell you by his symptoms what needs to be done , when to wait and when to treat .
27 I 'll tell him to his face I think his parent 's sofa 's not very nice .
28 Will he elaborate and tell us in what circumstances we would have used them ?
29 do you wan na change anything in your site I do n't know
30 Yeah , no , yeah well you know , really manipulative , you know , he could just get me round his finger I suppose .
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