Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [noun] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was infuriating to have let anger steal his tongue as it had .
2 Why did Diniz not send me word when it happened ? ’
3 There must be some height , call it h , such that an animal would just break its neck if it fell from that height , but would just survive if it fell from a slightly lower height .
4 ‘ Kenton Ward is like our second home and it would break our hearts if it closed . ’
5 ‘ I 'd lend you mine but it looks too good on me . ’
6 ‘ But it can touch my hand if it likes . ’
7 Faced with the prospect of partial closure if it ca n't convince its parent that it has a viable future serving third party customers , IBM France SA 's plant is energetically laying plans to exploit its skills in chip packaging , in particular IBM 's proprietary technology for surface-mounting chips on multi-layer ceramic substrates to create multi-chip modules .
8 She could n't see his expression but it did n't take a fool to realise that distaste and contempt must lurk there .
9 After sex the man should withdraw his penis before it gets limp , as otherwise the rubber may come off .
10 You get used to it … and you can always see your friends if it gets too much ’ .
11 ‘ Try a selection from the Desert Song , topped up with a few choruses of Cool clear Water , Midnight at the Oasis or Caravans which may convince your bird that it has come to wrong place .
12 It also indicated the slave trade as a peculiarly appropriate object upon which many evangelicals could exercise their benevolence since it constituted a burden of individual and national guilt and in its international character provided a way of extending and giving reality to the notion of mankind as a family .
13 The pressure for daily or weekly production may often trivialise their comments but it does keep them in touch with what is going on .
14 And he said , " Very well , I will bless your bottom as it sticks out of the hole .
15 I 'd wait and take my chance when it came .
16 The ape will slap its thigh when it sees a dog or sign ‘ gim me food ’ when it can be supposed to be hungry ; or reverse the process , if the trainer signs , by producing the appropriate object .
17 To accept the truth of these accounts is a simple but giant step , and one which the academic and professional community is by its own self-definition incapable of taking : a social group which bases its very existence on its own claims to cleverness would risk its life if it opened even one ear to the voices of fools and heretics , especially when the topic itself is about foolishness in the form of ‘ learning difficulties ’ .
18 This closed architecture does have its drawbacks as it becomes hard , if not impossible , to expand the system outside the manufacturer 's original specification .
19 Yet he was also reluctant to let events stifle their friendship before it had properly begun .
20 Can I have your approval that it goes to the rest of the Council then ?
21 You can almost see them hold their breath when it dawns on them that they understand that Christianity is true .
22 So let her empty her bladder after it 's been sitting there overnight , and then a nice fresh sample .
23 She heard Ana scream her name but it had all happened so fast that she was stunned .
24 She knew Ember 's hand would steady her elbow before it did .
25 The BBC does n't deserve our support if it insists on betraying Selina Scott and promoting the less charming Esther Rantzen
26 It does n't restore your loss but it does remove your fear .
27 It will affect his livelihood if it turns sponsors away .
28 ‘ If you think I 'm standing waiting for a charging animal the size of a tank to reach me … how on earth do you grab its nose before it tramples you into the turf ?
29 So wide does the Palace cast its net when it comes to official entertaining that some of the invitees can find their fellow-guests a real let-down .
30 However , the CITUB announced that it would continue its strike until it saw guarantees of the character of the new government .
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