Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [pers pn] [conj] it do " in BNC.

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1 The question did not appear to surprise her but it did surprise him , as did the very fact that they were walking so companionably together .
2 My hair is really short so I do n't actually have to style it but it did feel better and I would use this conditioner again . ’
3 She may have told him but it did not stop the questions .
4 But I thought you were so experienced that it would n't have affected you as it did me . ’
5 well I have , I 'm making adjustments , what I mean , what I 'd finished it , I did n't bother to try it cos it did n't work , now I found out why it do n't work I have to change the rod , I 've got the rod in the wrong place
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