Example sentences of "[vb infin] [noun] [coord] [vb mod] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The government hopes the judges will not prevent ratification and will not call for any changes in the treaty .
2 It was no longer just that she did not like birds or could not bear to touch them — she could have coped with that , as it would not have intruded greatly on her everyday life .
3 Rescuers digging slowly and in silence could see bodies but could not reach them .
4 It will certainly stabilise affairs but will not galvanise the nation into action .
5 If you do not have scales and can not afford them , try to borrow some , or find your nearest public scales and visit them as often as you can .
6 They may have fears and can not make relationships , but do not know why .
7 Another patient could name letters but could not sound them out , suggesting a problem at the level of grapheme to phoneme assignment .
8 ‘ Terminating the window-cleaning contract would not affect performance and would not affect the number of applicants for places . ’
9 ‘ Reducing the external painting cycle from five to eight years would not affect performance and would not affect the number of applicants for places . ’
10 ‘ Reducing temperature levels by three degrees would not affect performance and would not cause any complaints . ’
11 ‘ Extending the Christmas holiday and cutting the summer holiday by two weeks would save money and would not affect performance . ’
12 He did not arrange trips and could not repay the money .
13 The unpaid volunteers will not wear uniforms and will not have any special powers over and above those of ordinary citizens .
14 It should be recognised that the professional Institution and The Engineering Council may offer advice but can not provide a safeguard .
15 One must hope that the several ‘ Quangos ’ recently set up will help decentralization and will not increase the still-large army of civil servants .
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