Example sentences of "[vb infin] [noun] [conj] they [vb base] the " in BNC.

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1 Waiting lists are known to be an inaccurate indicator of need , as many doctors do not refer patients if they know the wait will be long ( this is as true for instance for hearing aids as it is for hip replacements ) .
2 However , we will not make changes unless they benefit the United Kingdom .
3 Please make every effort to write , because councillors can only take action if they have the community behind them .
4 One has a duty to uphold and support authorities if they meet the conditions of the service conception as explained above .
5 Students in trouble will know they can get help where they see the sign .
6 But when the last apostle died , and Jesus , who had uttered the mysterious words , ‘ There are some of those standing here who will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power ’ ( Mark 9:1 ) , had not returned — what were they to think ?
7 The consequences of ignoring their plight will not only weaken them , but it will strengthen employers as they take the opportunity to export jobs to wherever labour is cheapest and protection weakest .
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