Example sentences of "[vb infin] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An alternative explanation of collective agricultural work could very plausibly stress the degree of compulsion by landlords on landless peasantry .
2 The UK arm , staffed by a five-person sales and support team , will service the whole of Europe for the foreseeable future .
3 Although some philosophers and psychologists would emphasize the role of action in controlling perception ( see chapter 2 ) and some talk of ‘ top down ’ constraints on the interpretation of the perceived , the causal role of incident energy remains fundamental and the materialist version of the CTP essentially unchallenged .
4 Menzel ( 1973 ) has shown that non-speaking chimpanzees can convey the location of food to one another in a large field enclosure ; Wrangham notes that individual awareness of food resources in the natural environment is acute ; but how much information transfer occurs in the wild remains unknown .
5 Gascoigne suspected that MacArthur wanted a peace conference to take place because it would convey the impression of activity to the Japanese but that MacArthur did not necessarily desire a treaty to emerge from it .
6 Against this — or alongside the importance of conscious thought — we must affirm the possibility of practice as critique ; the legitimacy ( however compromised ) of subsuming ‘ music ’ , narrowly defined , within other social activities ; and the necessity to consider its effects in relation to the structure of the ‘ external [ social ] world ’ .
7 Okay number two would you please affirm the call of Ian for in the psychiatric unit .
8 Why did you build the lake in advance of the inquiry ?
9 Also , regulatory mechanisms such as increased natriuresis may counteract the effect of ACE on peripheral resistance .
10 The aims of the programme : to establish the location of foreign ethnographic material in museums , universities , research institutes and private collections ; to encourage and coordinate the recording of information about their collections by in-house museum staff ; to record collections or organise recording by other specialists in cases where no professional staff are available to undertake the work ; to establish a computerised database for the recorded information and to publish the findings of the survey .
11 They serve none the less to illustrate the way in which the structure of production may influence the incidence of taxation in a simple general equilibrium framework .
12 Note Circumstances must influence the course of action to be followed .
13 At Government level , both in the UK and in English speaking countries throughout the world , there is a strong awareness that actuaries are vital to the task of assessing the effects of decisions taken now which may influence the course of events for many years to come .
14 It proposed not a planned economy in which the State would direct resources but a managed one where the State would influence the use of resources through its fiscal policy .
15 But the Bank of England can nevertheless influence the rate of discount by altering the amount of Treasury bills it sells .
16 This conclusion is supported by evidence that age does not influence the rate of recovery of quality of life after hospital care for pneumonia .
17 We need to examine , therefore , whether procedures known to influence associative strength in orthodox conditioning will also influence the acquisition of inattention during stimulus exposure .
18 Diet may be particularly relevant as a regulator of eicosanoid biosynthesis , since the dietary intake of fatty acids can directly influence the pool of precursors in the membrane phospholipids of epithelial cells in the gastrointestinal mucosa .
19 Finally , until recently , gynaecologists recognised only the classic blue-black lesion as being endometriosis and if diagnosis was restricted to this appearance and to severe cases this would influence the effect of age on the risk of endometriosis reported in this study .
20 Users of the information system may influence the explicitness of detail in a list .
21 One can then compare the amount of radioactivity in control and trained chicks region by region and look for differences .
22 First , ‘ complete lives egalitarianism ’ : this approach suggests that to decide if the allocation of resources between people is fair , we should compare the allocation of resources over the complete life .
23 It is ironic that a government that talks so loudly about law and order should subvert the rule of law by blandly disregarding its obligations under international treaties .
24 Staff hope offenders who take the sport seriously may adapt the discipline of weights to their lives when they finish their sentences
25 Such occasions , when he could worship the Saint in question on his or her ( he had no sexual bias in these matters ) day , in a church dedicated to him or her , in an atmosphere of tallow and incense , surrounded by flickering shadows and gorgeous vestments dimly perceived — these were the red — letter days of Mr Makepeace 's life .
26 In addition , counting calories to balance daily metabolic activity , a popular dieting trick , is useless , as the setpoint mechanism can override the conversion of calories to fat or energy .
27 Leach ( 1982 : 57 ) has suggested that if Foucault 's assertion is correct , then this demise will undoubtedly enhance the separation of man by man into categories of ‘ inhuman ’ , ‘ subhuman ’ , and ‘ animal ’ .
28 A possible explanation is that the reduced bile flow as shown in cholesterol gall stone patients may enhance the absorption of water in the bile duct and may thus produce hepatic bile with a greater total lipid concentration .
29 This will be seen in chapter 8 , particularly in relation to accessibility to cultural , educational , information and social services , the improvement of which can enhance the quality of life for rural residents .
30 And in many abolitionist minds this would ultimately lead to emancipation ; slaves would not only gradually become more able to live in freedom but better conditions would so enhance the population of labourers in the West Indies that it would be cheaper to employ workers on a waged basis than as slaves .
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