Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] his [noun] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He spoke with the gentle cruelty he could show towards his models and which made some of them call him Charley the Knife .
2 I often feel like his mother or his ‘ chum ’ , but I do n't feel like his partner and our sex life has ground to a halt .
3 The horse will continually overreact to his handler and everything around him ; and he will be nervy , difficult , and ‘ jumpy ’ much of the time .
4 I heard him scramble to his feet and his metal-tipped boots took him down the stone corridor at better than the track record .
5 But he admitted : ‘ I could n't stay with his pace and I had to get away and look after myself . ’
6 Working alongside other pioneers he was first spontaneously discovering new possibilities in camera technique and then he found that he could equally spontaneously draw on his experiences and his own values .
7 No doubt he wanted his task over with , so he could return to his companions and his ale-cup in the soldiers ' quarters .
8 ‘ My son is entitled to his natural heritage and my wealth will be his wealth in time , though as he grows I 'll pay for his welfare and his education . ’
9 I let go of his foot and he just kept going .
10 When I was a player , I 'd go into his office and we 'd talk contract for five minutes about other things for 30 minutes . ’
11 He had no doubt that his mother was in her bedroom and that if she heard him she would come into his room and it would start , he knew it would : the upbraiding of Martin , and he would n't be able to stand it without checking her .
12 We work well together , I respect him as a professional , I can laugh at his jokes and I can even accept that his genius probably entitles him to live by a set of standards most of us do n't even recognise as standards — but that 's it ! ’
13 He does n't complain about his car and he does n't fall down .
14 He will happily talk about his films and what makes Jack the performer that he is , but now he rarely allows interviewers into his private territory .
15 I 'd sit on his lap and he 'd stroke me and rabbit on , and this sound would crop up with a kind of sighing and sometimes his voice would have an edge to it , too .
16 ‘ Such a man , with a good track record can fight for his plant and his people on the very strong grounds that investment in his region has been proven to be successful .
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