Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Community Health Councils will remain as the link between authorities and the consumer , and the working papers mention consulting consumers in audit of services .
2 Although Terminal courses would probably remain as the bulk of provision — ‘ the breadth of the base of the movement amongst ordinary folk ’ — ‘ the Tutorial Class must be the demonstration that real understanding , whatever the purpose , requires sustained effort ; and a significant expansion of activity at this level is the true index of a significant expansion of a genuinely informed public . ’ .
3 Perhaps even more destructively , the Philharmonic Hall acoustic does not make for the clarity of diction experienced in the average theatre .
4 I am pleased to tell my hon. Friend that the latest estimate we can make for the spend on computerisation this year will not be £20 million but £25 million .
5 In The Natural History of Nematodes it is unfortunate that George Poinar Jr does not throw off the armour of nomenclature which prevents the general student from getting to grips with these creatures .
6 When official conservation often does not work , part of the problem may lie in the assumptions which the conservationist , government servant or politician may make about the cause of failure .
7 ‘ Mother , for all I care , she can abseil off the top of Harrods if that 's her pleasure .
8 ‘ Lighting can try and compensate for the lack of colour by creating certain moods .
9 People got snappy , and nothing could compensate for the lack of leave .
10 Members were told the move would compensate for the loss of car parking spaces in the High Street .
11 If for instance erm Fred Bloggs at the end of the office is sick on Friday he turns off his P C at lunchtime and goes home and we do the software upgrade during the afternoon on Friday , then his P C wo n't get the upgrade to the software because we 're sending it down the network .
12 Let me explain for the benefit of viewers that a sump is like a U-bend in plumbing , permanently full of water , so that the only way through is to dive under the water .
13 I am afraid it is written in enviro-jargon , which will need translating into ordinary English or Welsh , but I hope it helps you think about the kind of issues that need to be got across in a popular television programme .
14 Let's think about the number of regions we have , the T & G have got seven , we 've got ten .
15 What do you think about the meaning of life then ?
16 What we can do is think about the meaning of play and fantasy , and the repercussions of denying a child the sort of toys and television-watching that is allowed to almost every other child .
17 Now I 've got four letter Ps to do with the voice er and what I want to do is is think about the comparison of aspects of the voice when we have a normal one to one conversation and compare that with the same aspects when we 're making a presentation standing in front of a group .
18 ‘ The doctors said what does it matter as long as he is alive but they do n't think about the quality of life .
19 ‘ The book made us think about the nature of health .
20 Whatever Mustakimzade does think about the dating of Abdulkerim 's Muftilik , then , it is clear that he does not believe that he followed Molla Gurani .
21 I then discuss various ways in which we can think about the relation between brain and behaviour .
22 Typical of the government 's hypocrisy , in Pink 's view , that it could bleat about the failure of exporters while at the same time putting every sort of obstacle in their path .
23 The amount of hot air likely to be generated over the 12 days could trigger off the kind of chain reaction that global warming scientists only refer to in hushed tones .
24 Requirements may exist about the amount of memory that is required to run a system .
25 For four weeks we have heard telecasters mutter about the margin of error .
26 ‘ I 'm saying that not even a ten-year-old would fall for the line of crap you just had me feed Kevin . ’
27 If , however , liquidity were regarded as a scarce commodity , then the bond price would fall as the degree of liquidity rose , in which case the coefficient on the liquidity measure would be negative .
28 Economies of scale refer to the way average costs of provision can fall as the scale of output increases .
29 My right hon. Friend will be aware that most Conservative Members accept that , while some taxes may fall on income and others on spending , there is scope for a modest tax to fall on what we might describe as the amenity of property .
30 21.1 No party shall be liable to any other for non-performance in the event of circumstances occurring outside their control which shall include for the avoidance of doubt strikes material or currency fluctuations .
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