Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [be] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For a tight turn the back foot will need to be placed a long way back on the board .
2 ‘ You do n't even need to be having a nervous breakdown to become a burden to a priest husband , you know .
3 This means that farmers in these dales may opt to be paid a certain amount per hectare by the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food to manage their lands so as to ensure the traditional landscape features of stone buildings , field walls and flower-rich meadows for the enjoyment of the public .
4 A group of Bengali mothers who attend their children 's primary school in East London to be helped towards an understanding of English language and the mysteries of local government administration might appear to be making an insignificant contribution to their children 's educational well being .
5 Circumstances may change , and he may no longer want the goods and services that he has ordered , or the seller may appear to be doing a poor job , and the buyer may have lost confidence in him .
6 Some area officers are concerned that the new common core would appear to be lengthening the total training period during which a trainee will need to be under close supervision .
7 The purpose of the pit would appear to be to provide the maximum headroom using the minimum raw materials in the superstructure ; this would make a ground level plank floor something of a nonsense , an opinion shared by Welch ( 1985 , p. 23 , n.1 ) .
8 Whereas it would have been possible to ask Harriet Finlay Johnson , ‘ What are you teaching this lesson ? ’ and the answer could easily be something like , ‘ The Spanish Armada ’ , one could not expect to be given an equivalent answer from Peter Slade , Brian Way or the Speech and Drama teachers .
9 They will expect to be dealt a perfect bridge hand from time to time , and will scarcely trouble to write home about it when it happens .
10 Indeed , you can not expect to be paid a great deal , but on the credit side you have no overheads and you will find the practice valuable , both in reading the pattern and using the machine .
11 The apprehension of being ‘ seized ’ by the police is always present , but some of the arrests are pro forma so that local authorities can claim to be showing the necessary zeal .
12 It does nobody any favour to be termed a heavy drinker rather than an alcoholic .
13 The length of the queues in Windhoek and Katutura , two of the most densely populated urban areas in Namibia , triggered conjecture that the poll might have to be extended an extra day .
14 The Tykes switched from Pakistan 's Aqib Javed because he would have to be given a two-year contract under TCCB rules while 21-year-old Benjamin could sign for a year .
15 It is however also clear that the concept of legitimate expectations , like many legal concepts , can be used in more than one way ; it does not have to be given a restrictive interpretation .
16 The movies had become a story-telling medium , and , as had been the case with earlier fictional forms such as the melodrama and the ‘ dime novel ’ , the stories would necessarily have to be given a recognizable social setting .
17 So to limit the interpretation of the word would follow the principle that words in a statute which have , or can have , a general meaning may have to be given a specialised and narrower meaning in order to make sense of the legislation and to avoid the conclusion that changes have been made to the existing law which can not have been intended by Parliament .
18 ‘ I know the piece ’ , he wrote ; ‘ it is a very silly play and the translation will have to be altered a great deal if it is to work as an opera …
19 But because the new craft will broadcast at a high power , they will have to be spaced a long way apart so that TV sets in , say , Canada do not receive signals meant for the US .
20 Using 1 to 9 as the base , to cover 26 subjects some would have to be allocated a two-character notation .
21 For AT&T to be seriously contemplating selling off Unix it would have to be guaranteed a self-sustaining source of the software , since so many of its internal operations , like telephone switching , are Unix-dependent .
22 Terry Sprayson will now have to be found a new job by Gloucestershire County Council .
23 If you can imagine being on a steep , snow-covered slope , below which there is a 1000 m ( 3,500 ft ) sheer drop , would you prefer to be wearing a shiny nylon cagoule or a rough old woollen jumper ?
24 Some may prefer to be given a global picture of what is involved in the task and then be allowed to fill in the details as they need them .
25 He does n't deserve to be facing a long prison sentence .
26 Although such a statement might seem to be stating the obvious , apparently a number of mutual insurance companies and other regulated enterprises , whose financial statements are prepared on the basis of statutory accounting rules , have been stating that they conform with GAAP even though the statutory rules and GAAP differ .
27 While this might seem to be stating the obvious , the fact is that this issue has not received a great deal of systematic ( as opposed to post hoc ) discussion in the literature .
28 HARD TIMES do not seem to be quenching the natural scepticism of Britain 's youngsters .
29 And this application of standard formula upset Selby for reasons we heard this morning , and it upsel =set us because it did n't seem to be taking the real situation into account .
30 He could n't help thinking of something that she 'd said in all seriousness when they 'd left the apartment building behind and a lack of any interest from a passing night patrol on the motorway had told him that no , the police did n't seem to be keeping an active watch for his car ; she 'd looked at him and she 'd said , Promise me , Peter .
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