Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [adj] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Similar conflicts could arise between admissible ministerial statements on the effect of a provision and , say , a construction based on the punctuation of the provision , or on prior or subsequent legislative provisions .
2 Variations in melt matrix or groundmass composition may evolve through selective mechanical disintegration of casts and non-modal partial melting of minerals to various degrees .
3 It 's unfair , Bernard , you 've been in this job much longer than me , what do you think about this new menu for the canteen at Digby 's Ballbearings ?
4 ‘ For goodness ’ sake , surely you did n't fall for all that nonsense of his the other night ?
5 The Health of the Nation consultative document ( Secretary of State for Health , 1991b ) identifies a need to develop ‘ assessable parameters related to the provision of appropriate district-based hospital and community services and to their performance ’ , and to find ‘ measures of structure and process which , taken as a whole , would act as reliable unambiguous monitors of progress ’ .
6 Grazing by molluscs figured so strongly among the hazards to a clover leaf that it seems reasonable to expect that , in those years when slugs or snails were abundant , they may act as important selective forces within clover populations .
7 ‘ Oh , yes ; do n't pretend you do n't know about that juicy bit of gossip , ’ she spat bitterly .
8 PLEASE let know about any unsold tickets by Friday 8th November .
9 Presumably they all have accommodation costs , for example , and if these amount to a little over £26 a week ( including council tax ) , then the first and fourth examples would qualify for civil legal aid without payment of any contribution .
10 Chief Joseph is here , and says he will surrender for two hundred bags of sugar .
11 We 'll probably wait for some boring moment on the tour and go over it , collect it and put it in a book for posterity ! ’
12 I do not know of any thorough research on the usage of the article with personal names in II Maccabees .
13 We do not know of any other reports of a similar nature but we know of a lady whose left hip joint was completely destroyed as a result of rheumatoid arthritis .
14 I do n't know of any other sport like this .
15 ‘ Mr Choak , you say that it is unlikely that your uncle was involved with the girl Jordan , but do you know of any other woman with whom he associated ? ’
16 I do not know of any known way of preventing evil men from planting a little piece of plastic explosive in a vast complex like the Musgrave Park hospital .
17 Cos I see him know with this big pallets of that stuff all over the place and
18 ‘ I do know in one particular instance of a gay couple from Clwyd who moved to a different area and changed their names because one of the men became infected .
19 For the most part , I will concentrate in this first section on the legal problems facing the transsexual contemplating surgery .
20 ‘ He that ventures to look downward sees , that if his foot should slip , he must fall from this dreadful elevation upon stones on one side , or into water on the other .
21 We must therefore look for some accommodation between states , and this in two important respects : we must seek to further binding agreements between states which limit and reduce the possession as well as the use of nuclear weapons and we must work to control the lesser hostilities whose escalation will always be one of the chief threats of total destruction .
22 ‘ It will appeal to all those people in any discipline who are knowledgeable enough to know that there is much they do not know , and that learning and re-learning is worthwhile .
23 He admits that he can not appeal to some absolute conception of ‘ objectivity ’ in claiming that some languages ‘ allow their users to approximate to neutral , objective description ’ .
24 When they were wet from rain or swimming in the oceans , the light might catch on some deep oil in them and they would glimmer shadowy rainbows of colour , like oil spills on a road .
25 Our approach to the project will concentrate to some large extent upon the identification of underlying object classes in order to develop an object-oriented model .
26 To make the point clearly , I shall arbitrarily concentrate on one particular theory of the origin of life , although any one of the modern theories would have served the purpose .
27 In this chapter we will concentrate on three different modes of explanation , of which the above are examples ; namely , the empirical mode , the intentional mode and the deductive mode .
28 Based on the above , which HDTV hype can not alter , I suggest that commercial technical research should concentrate on larger flat screens with superimposed pixels with change of standards but with some attention to the basic defects in the NTSC , Pal and Secam systems which are only mildly irritating .
29 The therapist will initially focus on recent specific occurrences of anxiety symptoms and probe the client 's recollection of their thoughts and fantasies .
30 The research will focus on two broad categories of housing scheme : those built in the interwar years , and the four large peripheral estates built in the postwar years .
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