Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [verb] [noun] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Le Pen may succeed in winning allies on this issue from the more moderate right wing , as he already has on the issue of immigration and race in France , which is a depressing prospect .
2 And er Alan apparently wants to go to Spain and Alan said well I 'm not bloody working there , as he said , I do n't wan na earn money like that !
3 My hon. Friend does a sterling service in drawing attention to that Liberal Democrat policy .
4 I assured him that Nigel Carter would n't dream of playing tricks like that , but the discovery that my replacement was the son of the friend of a friend , one of his own kind , was a further blow .
5 fin erosion of that openness and honesty , a muddling of those accountabilities and a restriction on clear communication will lead to demoralizing fears about those sinister elements " up there " in the organization .
6 We can only play at ascribing responsibility outside this mutual interaction ; making the horse a senator , blaming the toy which the child trips over are games which do not fool the horse or the toy .
7 Even so , a perfectly-sighted Ted can suffer with streaming eyes for several reasons during the fall , so best play safe and make him some goggles from a pop bottle , as shown opposite .
8 The defendants denied liability , contending that an occupier 's duty of care to firemen attending his premises in the course of their work was limited to protecting the firemen from any special or exceptional risks over and above the ordinary risks necessarily incidental to a fireman 's job , and did not extend to protecting firemen from such ordinary risks which , on the facts , included an explosion of the kind which had taken place on the defendants ' premises .
9 This can also help in maintaining confidentiality in that KPMG are not seen attending meetings with ‘ clients ’ or ‘ management consultants ’ .
10 Further , the plans may indicate the ownership of fences and so may help in solving problems in that connection .
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