Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adj] [det] than [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nobody who is sensible or sane would say that we should export more arms to a country that is already awash with them , because it would do little more than increase the bloodshed that has already stained that country .
2 Traditionally , architects of educational reform in England and Wales have held the view that , as the 1943 White Paper Educational Reconstruction put it , ‘ Legislation can do little more than prepare the way for reform ’ .
3 But it seemed even that could do little more than dull the edges of the pain , and , when she woke up one morning with a painful hangover and realised the ache in her heart was just as strong as it had ever been , she swore she 'd never again attempt to deal with her sorrows that way .
4 Because ‘ communication ’ is such a wide-ranging subject , this essay can do little more than survey a few distinct areas of study .
5 These fairly well made , attractive rugs possess an undoubted primitive charm ; but as they have yet to establish themselves in the Western market , one can do little more than make an educated guess as to their current prices and investment potential .
6 A close-up crotch shot will eventually do little more than remind the reader that sex without affection is merely moving your legs up and down for a bit and then stopping .
7 The proprietors could not do much more than launch a rather fragile settlement around Charleston , and even this could not be occupied continuously until 1681 .
8 ( No one , of course , believes that the Liberal Democrats can do any more than secure a hung parliament — but there is a very real possibility that this may happen and they are therefore a force to be considered .
9 The usual reason these days is that the target company employs an army of people with skills of a kind difficult and too time-consuming to assemble by recruitment , and that trying to build such a team would cost much more than buying the company .
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