Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Advances in medical science have made possible extensive treatment , by medical , surgical and rehabilitative techniques , which can remedy some defects and compensate for others .
2 If , on the other hand , businessmen are generally optimistic and see the increase in demand as a signal for further increases , they may actually buy more machines than predicted by the accelerator theory .
3 Detectives found group members would buy written-off cars and arrange for a vehicle of the same make and model to be stolen from Teesside , Humberside or North Yorkshire .
4 You can buy new needles and syringes from a lot of chemists and you can also get them free from needle exchanges and chemists which are in an exchange scheme .
5 He will show some slides and talk about the railways of an entirely different part of the country — the changing scene in East Anglia .
6 But a dry day would bring bigger crowds and add to the excitement of the vital third round of the tournament .
7 Both functional studies on isolated cells and conventional mRNA analysis on tissue homogenates , however , might generate artefactual changes that arise from tissue handling , cell disaggregation and separation , or in vitro culture .
8 The market is constantly changing and management should monitor these changes and react to them .
9 The Queen added that 1993 would bring new challenges and called on people to resolve to meet them with fresh hope .
10 Mr Foster said only a statement from the Health Secretary would allay public fears that care in the North-East is about to undergo its most radical shake-up for years .
11 It is entirely possible that this mechanism does operate , and that the members of a herd do use these clues when looking at one another .
12 We can simply summarize these ways as meditating on God 's word , living a life of prayer and praise , and growing in our love for God .
13 This poetry , by contrast , evokes a sympathy in me which is not often brought out by poetry , and I hope and believe that the works of Owen will become great classics and last for a long time .
14 The War Wagon itself can sustain 5 wounds as shown on its profile ; this is 2 wounds more than a chariot to take into account its heavier construction .
15 We can not literally weigh religious truth-claims or look at them through a micro- scope .
16 A further 10 cases did not report gastrointestinal symptoms but presented with non-specific complaints of fatigue and lassitude only and were investigated because of unexplained anaemia .
17 Thus , where a tenant covenanted to use a basement as a restaurant , not to cause any nuisance , to control and eliminate all smells and to comply with Food Hygiene Regulations , he was entitled to an easement to erect a ventilation duct on his landlord 's wall ( Wong v Beaumont Property Trust Ltd [ 1965 ] 1 QB 173 ) .
18 Basically this document stresses that the inspection is intended to be a positive event and should not alter normal relationships that exist between teachers and advisers .
19 So the Essex-based producer responsible for this week 's fastest-rising hit , Do n't You Want Me , ca n't perform lucrative concerts or go on TV in case his bosses see him .
20 Environmental Legislation As well as complying with current European and UK legislation we will anticipate legislative changes and work towards ‘ best practice ’ wherever possible .
21 Thirdly , there is no necessary or even likely reason why subsidizing capital with below-cost land , premises or advice should create more jobs or lead to local regeneration .
22 As a Muslim woman from Jhelum explained to me , in Islam a man can marry four times but according to Islam it is his duty to look after each of his wives and treat them honourably .
23 There are no special court pro-formas for the writ but nevertheless they must contain certain details as required by the Sheriff Court Acts .
24 He or she may have emotional problems that result in occasional deliberate binges but that is not necessarily alcoholism .
25 Most traps come with ‘ universal ’ fittings which will take different materials and makes of waste pipe .
26 • Why do individuals have free-running rhythms that differ in length ?
27 I would take three classes and exercise at least another 12 hours each week .
28 It may have rippling effects and result in more general kindness throughout society .
29 If signs start going up we 'll have wrought-iron railings and flowerpots round the trip points next .
30 Let us call these inferences that arise from observing the maxims standard implicatures ( the term is not Grice 's , although he introduces the term generalized implicature for a subset of these implicatures which do not require particular contextual conditions in order to be inferred ) .
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