Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] that [pron] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She did n't want to feel this attraction , and did n't want to know that he felt it too .
2 I THOUGHT Joe Hyam would like to know that we changed our menu four months ago to the fixed-price system .
3 I should like to say that I recognized his genius .
4 You must have realised that I resented him . ’
5 Many would have claimed that it served none , that it was but the result of the Fall and of sin , and that it brought only harm and hurt to the world .
6 In the normal course of her work at Coronation Hospital , she would never come into such personal contact with a man as important as Dr Greene , and she would have to remember that he wanted her to recognise this fact while she was Faye Hamilton 's nurse .
7 She could not have said that she found him dull , because she did not know it , and was conscious only of her own failure , and her misery at her own personal inadequacy quite drowned any sensation of boredom .
8 For the best part of an hour Brazil produced a dainty dish to set before the Queen of the Netherlands , who may have felt that she had something better to do than sit out a sparring match in driving rain .
9 To look at her you would have thought that she had her life perfectly in control — but how wrong you would have been .
10 She wondered how she could ever have thought that she loved him , and why she had stayed with him for so long after she 'd realised that if she ever had , she did not love him now .
11 ‘ I would have thought that I knew him fairly well , but in writing the lyrics I found depths I had never contemplated . ’
12 And he must have known that she found his touch distasteful , yet did that stop him ?
13 If he went to them he would have to admit that he left her there .
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