Example sentences of "[is] [det] [noun] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is little evidence to support a view that Isabella or Mortimer embarked on invasion , conquest and dethronement under the influence , or by the counsel , of any bishop .
2 But on the whole , there is little evidence to suggest a link between male wage levels and fertility .
3 In my computer 's ROM , location numbers 64489 , 64490 and 64491 , taken together , contain a particular pattern of contents — 1s and 0s which — when interpreted as instructions , result in the computer 's little loudspeaker uttering a blip sound .
4 But the minister 's little joke reflects a suspicion among many in social services that going ‘ over there ’ is less about learning than enjoying a jaunt .
5 The other reason most often given for government ownership is that government needs a voice of its own and can not rely on the privately owned press .
6 What is really problematic is that psychoanalysis produces a theory of identity [ i.e. sexual difference ] which does not allow for a genuine heterogeneity and contradiction in our diverse identifications .
7 Why is that man pushing a bed up the hill ? ’ die behind you in the breeze .
8 The lesson of history is that doctrine becomes a cloak for power politics , rivalry becomes an excuse for dealing ruthlessly and the rule of fear , paranoia and suspicion means that whatsoever is not for us is against us .
9 The comment voiced from apparently everywhere is that workwear represents a move away from Eighties designer flash : away from all the heavily-labelled , non-hard-wearing , too-clever-by-half , over-styled garbage .
10 There are many reasons for these laws ; some are obvious , but some are very deep and one level of understanding is that menstruation represents a loss of potential life ; the same applied to a man who had a nocturnal emission , or wet dream , or someone who had helped to prepare a body for burial .
11 Some news in brief now — an English High Court judge is this afternoon visiting a farm at the centre of attempts to sue chemicals firm Re-Chem .
12 Ryle ( 1949 ) is another attempt to find a way between extreme behaviourism and the mental/physical separation .
13 Norman 's All Stars to play a fund raiser
14 Firstly there 's more chance striking a match on wet tripe than there is of Boro getting to the FA Cup Final .
15 But even if they are qualified and on your establishment we can not but insist that they have a substantial teaching load as well , and I really do n't think that is any way to run a library
16 Also null and void is any stipulation releasing a partner from playing an active role in running the business .
17 Overall , it may be difficult to discover whether there is enough evidence to pursue a claim .
18 They still probably there is enough room to get a bit
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