Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] [coord] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The witness of an insult , or the victim of it , will feel that his dignity is impugned and regarded as a matter for contempt by the person whose conduct he witnesses .
2 The average national property value is calculated and assigned to the appropriate band , i.e. band D in this case .
3 For extra reliability , parity information is calculated and distributed in the array 's disk striping process , meaning that if one drive or cartridge fails , parity information stored elsewhere will allow the lost data to be recovered .
4 This favourable treatment is explained and justified on the basis that the corporators are required to perform public functions in addition to serving their own private interests .
5 In fact as we shall see , witchcraft ( or sorcery ) is generally invoked to explain why misfortunes befall particular victims , whereas how they occur is explained and understood in the prosaic matter-of-fact fashion we think of as being empirically true .
6 Each category is explained and analysed within the context of marketing and business planning , and their application is illustrated by a variety of examples .
7 It is checked and passed to the Registry who , together with the data preparation service , enter and verify approximately 10,000 individual marks and grades within a 36-hour period each term .
8 When such demands become part of a debate concerning black issues , it is marginalized and perceived as a threat to harmony and integration .
9 The consultant psychiatrist and a team of community nurses from the health service are actively involved in supporting and visiting the scheme , and the home is registered and inspected by the local authority who also provide a social worker to provide links with other local services .
10 ( 5 ) No indemnity shall be payable under this Act in any of the following cases : — ( a ) where the applicant or a person from whom he derives title ( otherwise than under a disposition for valuable consideration which is registered or protected on the register ) has caused or substantially contributed to the loss by fraud or lack of proper care ; … ( 6 ) Where an indemnity is paid in respect of the loss of an estate or interest in or charge on land the amount so paid shall not exceed — ( a ) Where the register is not rectified , the value of the estate , interest or charge at the time when the error or omission which caused the loss was made ; ( b ) Where the register is rectified , the value ( if there had been no rectification ) of the estate , interest or charge , immediately before the time of rectification .
11 The handle is squared and flattened at the end which could mean that it was used as a pestle for grinding .
12 a fiery fellow ( the salamander was popularly supposed to be able to live in fire ) ; also , a circular iron plate which is heated and placed over a pudding or other dish to brown it ( OED ) .
13 The second principle used in tone-unit boundary identification is a rhythmical one : it is claimed that within the tone-unit , speech has a regular rhythm , but that rhythm is broken or interrupted at the tone-unit boundary .
14 The difference between the monotonous beat of pop music and the rhythmical architecture of a great symphony is precisely that in classical music the primitive reaction is delayed and denied for a more varied satisfaction .
15 Lifetimes of commitment explores the ways in which political belief is developed and sustained throughout the course of a lifetime .
16 Those who take the view that capitalism operates to favour those with capital at the expense of those who merely have their labour to sell tend to believe that when new technology is developed and applied in a basically capitalist society the result is likely to be that jobs are degraded and the quality of working life of those in employment suffers .
17 The light travels down an open tube until it hits a curved mirror at the bottom ; the rays are then sent back up the tube on to a smaller , flat mirror placed at an angle of 45 degrees , so that the rays are directed into the side of the tube , where an image is formed and magnified by an eyepiece .
18 At a divergent boundary , such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge , new crust is formed and attached to the upper part of adjoining lithospheric plates while new upper mantle is accreted to the lower part .
19 of Permutit explains how hard water is formed and elaborates upon the problems associated with hard water , tracing the history of water softening , and giving advice on the points to consider when buying a water softner .
20 Under such circumstances one can predict the final outcome with rather more confidence , for a child in this situation is sustained and encouraged in the response he originally adopted .
21 Much is heard and read in the media of essentially anecdotal evidence about the apparent interdependence of markets and the existence of a global securities market .
22 Children who visit may absorb a magical sense of bygone years In a home which is furnished and run in the style of fifty years ago .
23 If Uppark is stabilised and retained as a ruin , as it should be , the basic structure can be seen as an education itself .
24 Unconditional love is precisely what is given and received in the Anonymous Fellowships and the application of reality as the standard by which sufferers need to live serves gradually to clear away the confusion caused by addictive disease .
25 The delivery process is completed or settled by the short delivering an eligible cash market good to the long and the long making payment to the short at the invoice price or amount .
26 As Harvey Wilson , says , ‘ Nobody puts their name to a business they 're not proud of and , by the same token , it gives the customer confidence to know that somebody is accountable at the end of the day … that they are dealing with a company that is owned and run by the people whose names appear on the top of letterhead . ’
27 This friendly pension is owned and run by the Burger family , and all guests are promised a warm welcome .
28 It is owned and run by The Woodland Trust for community benefit .
29 Botswana is just one country whose only daily paper is owned and run by the government , without whose assistance it would probably have no national paper at all .
30 Skomer itself is primarily a seabird reserve with over 320 000 birds and is owned and maintained by the Countryside Council for Wales .
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