Example sentences of "[is] [v-ing] with [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Thames Valley police have confirmed that a man is helping with inquiries into the murder of Dr Hugh Puddephat , the English lecturer whose body was identified in Paris earlier this week , ’ the newsreader reported .
2 Rugby Union is experimenting with changes in the points-scoring system ; Formula One is questioning the capabilities of its cars ; and cricket in this country is being revised according to the recommendations of the Murray Commission .
3 FRENCH trainer Francois Doumen is brimming with confidence over The Fellow 's bid for a second successive victory in Kempton 's King George .
4 Because the single electron in a dithiadiazole radical , , causes S-S bond weakening ( it is in a π*; molecular orbital that is antibonding with respect to the S-S bond ) , changes in this bond distance are useful in indicating the extent of ligand to metal electron flow .
5 Back in the summer of 1993 , the City is seething with unhappiness about the latest proposals from the Government and the Stock Exchange on the disclosure of price sensitive information by quoted companies .
6 It is starting with objects at the bottom or system level and then building in real-time features .
7 Moreover , in the present case , as Mr. Tecks submitted , the court is in my judgment entitled , in construing Schedule 4 to the Act of 1982 , which is dealing with jurisdictions within the United Kingdom , to take into account the fact that the United Kingdom has derogated from the Rome Convention by excluding article 10(1) ( e ) from the law of the United Kingdom .
8 Brian Hawker , both a spiritual director and pastoral counsellor , says , ‘ spiritual direction is dealing with eternal realities , pastoral counselling is dealing with problems in the here and now which are blocking me from looking at eternal realities ’ .
9 Particular outstanding work is dealing with changes to the Community Charge Register which have to be reflected in the Council Tax liabilities , approximately 30,000 changes were to be processed in this area .
10 Boyz N The Hood has more of a connection because it is dealing with kids of the same age group , although Juice deals with an entirely different set of issues . ’
11 I do n't know whether anyone is jumping with joy at the thought .
12 JOHN SMITH , understandably , is boiling with anger at the Tory refusal to recall Parliament .
13 In Aristophanes ' play The Clouds Strepsiades is debating with Socrates about the causes of thunder , rain and other meteorological events .
14 What better way to describe God 's dealing with Israel in the Old Testament , than with the stories of Abraham , the Exodus and the Exile .
15 The team is liaising with manufacturers on the design and development of CFC-free refrigeration equipment and identifying the skills needed to evaluate and carry out the conversions .
16 Stephen Poliakoff 's Playing With Trains at The Pit examines our own troubled society and the move from the optimistic Sixties to the competitive Eighties .
17 The project is co-ordinator is HCIMA Councillor , DavidBattersby FHCIMA , who is working with partners in the UK , France and The Netherlands to devise and pilot training packages which will be supported by the European Management Skills research findings .
18 It is working with Intel on the project but has to wait for silicon before it attempts to actualise the product and turn it over to LSI Logic for manufacture .
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