Example sentences of "[is] [v-ing] [prep] [noun sg] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Otherwise he is keeping in touch and working on his Ministerial papers — although he may not necessarily be in town . ’
2 It helps a great deal to keep us in touch with what 's happening at school and enables us to exert some influence , I suppose , on what happens in schools , hopefully in the interests of the candidates .
3 Most therapists just ask the parents what is happening at home and suggest that the parents keep diaries of events to discuss in detail during a therapy session .
4 She is looking for work and thinks she may be forced to move to London in search of a job .
5 Although she does not realise it , she is searching for enlightenment and encourages her fusion with Geraldine : ‘ Christabel stretched forth her hand ’ .
6 This is growing in popularity and provides an opportunity for sensitive and careful experimentation in order to embrace a wide range of local people , of all ages and with different musical preferences .
7 It is therefore very important that the WRVS helper , driver or the local Home Care Organiser at the Social Work Office , is informed when a recipient is going on holiday or attending hospital .
8 Then of course there 's waiting at table and serving behind the bar when you 're old enough . ’
9 I welcome the fact that the Secretary of State is getting in practice and asking the questions to which I give the answers at Question Time , as it is a situation to which he shall have to become accustomed .
10 Spain 's peseta is suffering from inflation but struggling to beat it .
11 It will also pay to evaluate how the material is coping with weathering and wear from traffic .
12 The Eastern approach to exercise is not to thrash the body for all its worth until the person is dripping in perspiration and aching all over .
13 I am pleased to say that the Sizewell B project is progressing on time and to cost .
14 On the evidence of his recital he is increasing in assurance and beginning to fulfil expectations .
15 ( That is , which is increasing in power and influence ? )
16 Already she 's talking about playschool and going back to work part-time .
17 If , for instance , your conference is concentrating on leadership and moving into the future , you might design something with a slightly futuristic appearance that left the thought in the minds of the audience without being too obvious about it .
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