Example sentences of "[is] [v-ing] [conj] [pers pn] [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He answers , ‘ She is cooking and she is eating .
2 If a frog is climbing when it is attacked , it may drop to the ground and lie there motionless for several minutes before risking an escape .
3 Meanwhile , the company is bragging that it 's having trouble dumbing down the Alpha chip to make it slow enough to sell against the 80486 .
4 Even in the prenatal period the fetus is communicating that it is growing in size ; and in the later months of pregnancy that it is capable of movement .
5 She 's frowning like she 's thinking real hard .
6 Denis Smith says he 's always been a Stoke fan and his name always comes into the reckoning when the job is going and he 's made no secret of the fact that he 'd like to manage the club
7 Cos she 's wondering if he 's gon na give her any spending money .
8 At the same time Kieran is moving as he 's spinning he 's moving round .
9 I thought I had some information here on prices I ca n't seem to find it no no , ca n't find it , never , never mind I 've got some figures here that looks at erm the growth in in trade , er it 's quoting , it says between nineteen eighty and nineteen eighty nine the volume of agricultural trade grew by twenty six percent alright , however that was that represented one third of the growth in manufacturers so agricultural trade is rising but it 's rising much less rapidly than manufacturers here are the prices , at the same time , so between nineteen eighty and nineteen eighty nine er food export prices fell the prices actually fell from eleven percent , t , by eleven percent whereas the unit value of manufactured exports , so essentially the prices of manufactured exports rose on average by twenty percent okay so over the , over that period agricultural prices were actually falling in real terms but if we widen erm s the window that we 're looking at , erm , agricultural prices probably have n't fallen er say over the post war period or if we er go back to the beginning of the century , agricultural prices probably have n't fallen erm but relative to manufacturing they certainly have okay .
10 Yet again , Labour is demonstrating that it is engaged in a vendetta against part-time workers .
11 and Michael is coming , he 's , he 's watching what David 's doing and he 's following suit now and he 's only four .
12 like be doing his A levels and that she 's saying that she 's gon na take both of our stereos , lock them in the , lock them in the shed all day , take
13 The board has lodged five complaints with the LEA and is questioning whether it is getting value for money .
14 so obviously she 's assuming that she 's talking to Elvis , but er , she ca n't prove it
15 I think a good example to use with younger people with er pe with pensions as well is that the , the er the cutting down of funding that the government is making and it 's going to be hitting like the younger people and another important thing is like with the , with the Australia issue , I mean in Australia now it 's compulsory for everybody under the age of twenty five to have a personal pension and that r and that age rise is going to , that age limit is going to rise each time because they want to abolish the State pension completely and it was only , what , what about two months ago that there was , that there was er articles in I think it was The Times about them doing a similar operation in this country , you know ?
16 A coach firm is claiming that it 's owed more than two thousand pounds by a charity set up to help Bosnian children .
17 B. Life in Britain is changing and it is changing more and more quickly .
18 I said he 's my father and then he falls out the fucking bed when they put him in it because they admit negligence , they forgot to put the cot side up , dad has got lack of oxygen to his bra brain , he thought it was the Battle of Hastings going on but they said there was nobody there , well surely they must have known Joy he fell out the bloody bed because he 's laying like this and he 's falling and he 's falling and bang come out , he split all his bloody head open , do you know the blood was there from the night he fell out , he fell out at half past ten at night and they never informed us , which is against the law and the blood still sat there at quarter to four the following day , all over the floor , he 's got a bloody stitch in his head which they done to him while he were in the bed , and ripped three tubes out of his arm , split all his bloody arm open
19 you make an arrangement to have a game of tennis but the weather , you know i it 's snowing or it 's raining so a lot of them get rained off which is er quite sad .
20 The assumption is about what lies behind our saying of a man , when he comes out with the sounds , ‘ I 'm going to the bank ’ , that he is asserting that he is going to the bank , but our not saying this of the parrot .
21 We say that the man , who utters the same sounds as the parrot , is asserting that he is going to the bank because he is a man , and not a parrot .
22 I get worried when he does things because when he 's working like he 's working and he 's travelling like he 's doing I 'm , he goes Monday morning , he comes back Friday , by the time we 've done our shopping Saturday , he 's , he 's , if we go out Saturday night it 's what , eleven , twelve o'clock or more , it 's gone twelve o'clock usually after he 's gone and he 's back up then .
23 He 's declaring that he 's using a taxi and it costs him a hundred and sixty pound a month , every day back and forwards to work , well everyone knows that 's a lie cos she takes him to work
24 • Check that your child 's heart is beating and he is breathing regularly and , if necessary , give artificial respiration ( see Not Breathing ) .
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