Example sentences of "[is] [v-ing] [conj] [pron] [be] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Either it is raining or it is not raining .
2 The expansion of forestry by means of a policy of attrition and isolation of farms is occurring but it is not necessarily a process which in the long term will lead to a reasonable balance of land use .
3 But Phillip Chubb is in our group And he wants to be Robin Hood And Ann Boot is sulking because she 's not with her friend And I do n't see why I should be wood .
4 Right you have to come I think the basis of this evening was to get people to come along and put there points of view and to say what 's happening and what is n't happening and I think we can take that take that away and considerate it yes I mean I I think the board or the management committee will be happy to meet with people to discuss the use of the theatre er what it 's used for what might what the unhappiness is if there is unhappiness and the positive and the positive as well as the negative points yes .
5 it 's a tangent it 's just another thing to be aware of er that certain put their exam but it 's along the same thing cos I know what 's happening and they 're not writing G C S E but they 're writing exam entries so many pupils x number of subjects so many passes okay ?
6 Well , I think we should tell national office that this is , you know , this is happening and it 's not on !
7 Through collecting up-to-the-minute information on what is selling and what is n't , and then making it available to suppliers via EDI , it becomes possible to achieve a stock replenishment process that is highly responsive to customer demand .
8 or even if he , even if he is doing that he 's not gon na , he 's not gon na
9 It seems the supplier is saying that there is n't a fault at all , leaving the onus on you to establish that there is .
10 He is saying that he is not in favour of NATO 's present policy of maintaining adequate sub-strategic forces based in Europe and of ensuring that they are maintained and kept up to date .
11 Change is threatening when you are not confident of your own resources .
12 It is running but it 's not showing us anything
13 And I 'm sure that that 's part of why sounds pretty good when he 's saying that it 's not the body that makes us who we are , it 's not the body that matters .
14 Which is recognizing that it 's not there to start with .
15 Prince is now demanding listeners as mixed up and variegated inside as himself , and is finding that there are n't that many around .
16 Thousands of people do it every day ; what 's wrong with me that my inside 's screaming that it 's not real ?
17 I can split them up , and then I 'm not needed , and I can just wander round and have this panorama , and you see who 's working and who is n't .
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