Example sentences of "[is] [art] [noun sg] that [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Ah , no , this is the bit that comes out annually ,
2 R-A-F Kemble is the base that did n't want to die .
3 ‘ In those stations it is the management that has now refused to put through the emergency calls .
4 One underlying issue , however , troubles me , Throughout there is the implication that to partake wittingly in an arms race is a perversion of science — as the conclusions say , ‘ the role of scientists in the arms race is of crucial importance .
5 Informing is the behaviour that happens more often than any other in conversation between people .
6 Periods of change produce changes in those professions which reflect them ; it is the medium that does not change with its audience that is likely to suffer .
7 It is the art that faces up , that follows ‘ to the bottom of the night ’ , that legitimises the illegitimate , that makes temporarily bearable what is unbearable .
8 An empirical orientation has in turn been reinforced by the experience of history — it is the approach that has always been employed and no external constraints have managed to force themselves on the nation to generate conditions in which a rationalist approach would be possible .
9 what is the road that comes down erm joins erm you know where the Hippodrome er , used to be ?
10 I certainly hope that is the message that got through .
11 The school is the type that has not adapted itself to alternative , non-academic needs and which , in general , is not sensitive to the fact that pupils are people with as much right as anyone else to be respected .
12 Sunday nights have always been a problem for the serious cinemagoer , since this is the night that brings out the lads whose parents do n't make them go to bed early before a fresh week at school begins .
13 This is the money that comes in and goes out of your bank account .
14 It is the car that took on the Rocket and won .
15 Another must is the booklet that sums up the findings of the World Fertility Survey , World Fertility Survey — Major Findings and Implications , and its companion volume of statistics , Fertility in the Developing World , both obtainable from the WFS at 35-37 Grosvenor Gardens , London SW1W 0BS , UK .
16 This is the humour that does not heal , the sort that encourages hatred of outsiders .
17 The hit single ‘ Losing My Religion ’ is likely to be read as self-reflection on REM 's position in the worldwide musical scheme of things , doubt and discomfort at the prospect of unwanted disciples : ‘ Oh no , I 've said too much/I have n't said enough ’ is the paradox that runs throughout .
18 Next is the assumption that labour alone creates value , so that the exchange value of a commodity depends on the amount of labour it takes to produce it .
19 It is the statute that marks out the field and dictates to the citizen the rules by which he is to play and the goal at which he is to aim .
20 This is the class that enjoys both power and wealth derived from capitalist investment .
21 THOSE WHO LEAVE THE WEST HIGHLAND LINE AT FORT WILLIAM ARE MISSING possibly the most beautiful section of railway in Europe , that is the line that runs westward to Mallaig .
22 This is the confusion that bedevils so much liberationist and even scientific thinking .
23 However , this is the party that goes on about unemployment as though it had a good record on unemployment .
24 You see you see that 's the generator and these are the these are the coils , that 's the rotor that goes round .
25 It 's the preparation that takes so long in Chinese cooking .
26 They 'll think , ah it 's only it 's the thought that counts anyway is n't it ?
27 She 's the glow that keeps together our family life my business life at the same time has always been supportive of my involvement in Round Table .
28 Well I know that my , if I was to name my busiest member of staff , it 's the person that took on that
29 Near the boneyard , there was an old boneyard , it 's the road that runs through from Church , there were no houses there then , it 's all built on now , and there was a sl like a lane used to come from Church to Forrest .
30 ‘ Another thing that we 've had a lot of use from was the baby bouncer ; it 's the type that hangs on the door frame .
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