Example sentences of "[is] [art] [noun sg] for [pers pn] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The more involved that teachers feel , the greater is the tendency for them to understand what is required for the review , to consider the LEA guidelines to be adequate and to recall the review .
2 Erm but er unless I I may repeat one or two of the things I 'd have said on the phone I 'm bound to do that , er the three things that are gon na be decided here today really is you if you and I erm you 've got inside information of course , er if you and I agree that er is the is the platform for you to earn some good money .
3 These examples are given in order to illustrate one of the dangers of the current preoccupation with the duties of citizenship , and that is the scope for it to encroach on the privacy and autonomy of the individual .
4 If a bank was in such a position that it was to end , what is the necessity for it to go on ?
5 ‘ With a glut of farming properties on the market in parts of south west England at drastically reduced prices , now is the time for them to buy , ’ Dai Jenkin says .
6 If Mr Major really wishes to ditch the more arrogant whims of his predecessor , now is the time for him to put his money where his mouth is .
7 " I do n't believe that this is the time for us to profit from each other 's misery so I hereby cancel all sales of food which have taken place this afternoon .
8 ‘ Come , lad , now is the time for you to make up your mind .
9 on a lot of systems , really now is the time for you to try and go and buy a new system , because you can knock them down immensely really good bargains the basic
10 So he can actually look at and say oh well Queen Mary 's is the place for you to go my friend .
11 ‘ So she may , and tomorrow 's the chance for her to find that out .
12 Richard was the team leader , he 's the guy for me to work on .
13 It 's a chance for them to forget the washing up and their household chores , put their feet up and settle down for a comfortable snooze in front of their favourite television programme ( which really does n't sound much different from normal , does it ? )
14 Here 's a chance for you to assess how well you talk in relationships .
15 Providing you live in London , there 's a chance for you to win one of two scholarships to attend The Guitar Institute 's one-year , full-time course commencing this September .
16 Here 's a questionnaire for you to fill in .
17 There 's a erm if there 's a need for 'em to clean this Saturday , say they need to clean round that sedge
18 There 's a lot for you to talk about over lunch .
19 All six had conquered hardships of their own to help those in need and Celebrities Guild founder Ella Glazer said : ‘ They 're all remarkable people and it 's a pleasure for us to reward them for work which might otherwise go unmarked . ’
20 It is no offence for him to engage in other sexual acts with her , unless these are otherwise unlawful , although it is an offence for him to commit an act of buggery or gross indecency with a male patient who is mentally disordered .
21 We are saying that , under the legislation for the trusts , there is no obligation for them to train , despite what the hon. Lady has said .
22 ‘ When he played in the second row there is no space for him to run into .
23 There is no provision for it to order a payment on account of costs .
24 Ms Bridges added : ‘ We have proved 100 per cent to our satisfaction that Norman Lamont was not in the Praed Street shop and there is no benefit for us to lie about it .
25 Still , that is no reason for me to advertise my acquaintance with such as yourself .
26 ‘ There is no reason for me to hide any longer .
27 ‘ Just because he wants to leave is no reason for us to strike a bargain price , ’ Bassett said yesterday .
28 Perhaps he walks on the right side , with just the metal grid fence separating him from the rolling fields of graves — in no hurry , since there is no class for him to make .
29 If he can not balance and control his movements , it is no use for him to try to practise ‘ walking ’ with the help of therapists or nurses .
30 Where the dealer acted as counterparty to the contract he may be willing to unwind the contract with a customer but there is no incentive for him to do so at a competitive price .
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