Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [vb pp] that a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is widely thought that a turnover tax may range from between 15% and 20% .
2 J. Boyett , Manager of Central Services and Special projects at Standard Chartered Bank , replied that , ‘ The Bank 's experience in using Headhunters is so limited that a response to your questionnaire would be worthless . ’
3 Thingol , Luthien 's father , is so enraged that a mortal should dare to woo his daughter that he says he will only give her hand to Beren if he will wrest one of the Silmarils , or enchanted jewels , from the iron crown of the dark lord Margoth .
4 There are no rules defining the distinction between runners and strips , but it is generally accepted that a runner is relatively large ( halfway or corridor size ) , whereas a strip is rarely more than .
5 It is generally accepted that a system which is easy to use can help cut recruitment and training costs , and help retain staff .
6 By contrast , it is generally accepted that a diameter limited perceptron can not recognise the class of connected images .
7 It is generally accepted that a crime is an act which breaks the criminal law .
8 It is generally accepted that an analysis of functions ( ie using the FAI ) is a prerequisite to the use of the other instruments , as illustrated in 14.4 , which shows the planned sequence of application for the study ; moving from the method tailoring phase to the development of the requirements specification , followed by an evaluation of the proposed system in the final stages using the Benefits Analysis Instrument .
9 Today it is generally stated that a share is a chose in action .
10 It is generally agreed that a reduction of at least 85 per cent in chlorine producing compounds is necessary to keep present atmospheric chlorine levels stable .
11 Certainly in certain professions such as teaching , nursing or social work it is generally considered that a desire to serve the public is of paramount importance .
12 It is usually recommended that a person should tell their sexual partners that they have HIV infection .
13 The assumption is always made that a school of tuna is swimming underneath the dolphins .
14 ( 4 ) It is hereby declared that a person shall not be entitled to rely on the defence provided by subsection ( 1 ) above by reason of his reliance on information supplied by another , unless he shows that it was reasonable in all the circumstances for him to have relied on the information , having regard in particular ( a ) to the steps which he took , and those which might reasonably have been taken , for the purpose of verifying the information ; and ( b ) to whether he had any reason to disbelieve the information .
15 It is also assumed that a bimbo is unintelligent , could n't possibly have an interest in anything other than clothes and make-up .
16 It is also assumed that an individual 's response to an item will be completely independent of his or her response to any other items in the test .
17 It is also decided that a member of staff should be appointed on a ‘ B ’ allowance to act as coordinator .
18 It is also argued that a lender of last resort would not be needed because of the ability of banks to issue their own notes backed up by their deposit base ( Dowd 1990 ) .
19 It is also intended that a survey of a sample of the membership is carried out by questionnaire as well as consultation meetings at Area and Branch level .
20 It is also suggested that a company tenant which has already created a charge or debenture over future acquired property would be in breach of this clause upon exchange of agreements .
21 The suggestion is often made that a couple should not be treated as if they were living as husband and wife unless the man is actually giving the woman financial support .
22 It is often said that an assault can be committed only by an act and that an omission is not sufficient .
23 It is often claimed that a lord on the spot was of more immediate relevance to local men , especially in outlying regions , than the king at Westminster .
24 It is often claimed that a lord on the spot was of more immediate relevance to local men , especially in outlying regions , than the king at Westminster .
25 On a second or subsequent marriage it is frequently said that a wedding speech should make no reference to previous spouses , nor children of earlier marriages unless they are junior pages and need to be acknowledged and welcomed , or even the fact that either party has been married before .
26 Your point is well taken that a percentage of those will go on to a transmural infarct , but I have difficulty in understanding these figures in relation to an expected mortality for sub-endocardial infarction of around 5–6% .
27 Certainly it is well established that a man is not guilty of rape of a woman who is too drunk to consent even where it is he who has coaxed her to drink .
28 It is well established that a buyer may reject goods which do not conform to a contractual sample .
29 It is well established that a director is a fiduciary .
30 It is well known that a type of osteoporosis , a demineralisation of the bone , occurs when vertebrates spend time in microgravity .
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