Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If such shafts found within the pyramids do have any significance it is most probably as a passageway for the spirit of the deceased to mount up to the stars .
2 This approach is most obviously to the fore in Buddhism which emphasizes the necessity for getting beyond concepts by the use of words like anatta , anicca , and nirvana .
3 Salmonella is one of the most widely talked of hazards , and one which is most certainly on the increase : between 1983 and 1988 , the number of reports by British laboratories of salmonella infection more than doubled .
4 The emphasis here is rather less upon the calculation of personal advantage , and rather more on the kin group as a co-operative unit , taking collective decisions which are to the advantage of all .
5 They have another piece on order , from the young Frenchman Jan Marez — ‘ He 's rather behind with the commission , I 'm afraid . ’
6 My favourite eating establishment in Formentera is right there on the beach in Es Pujols .
7 It is all right for the hero and heroine to go to bed together , although if they actually make love before they are married , a wedding should follow immediately .
8 ‘ It 's only just up the road , and besides , they take your money off you in Amsterdam . ’
9 It 's only just up the road , so I 'll probably be back soon . ’
10 Four , four , four pound forty seven that 's only just on the rent
11 He 's only just down the road , but this is a face-to-face matter , I 'm afraid . ’
12 I 'll call round and see her … it 's only just round the corner .
13 He 's only here for a year .
14 It 's only once round the track is n't it ?
15 it 's only like from the tile to the ceiling .
16 he 's only there till the Summer , by the way .
17 It is always difficult for members of any industry to look far into the future and it is especially so for the farming industry .
18 Housing is an important component of welfare : it is difficult to imagine anything more damaging to an individual 's welfare than the lack of somewhere to live , and this is especially so in the case of families with young children and elderly people .
19 This is especially so in the case of a subject which , like RE , arouses strong emotions .
20 As noted above a plan is essential to the proper description of a property , and this is especially so in the case of leases the title to which is to be registered ( Chapter 12 ) , and indeed of leases of flats in general .
21 This is especially so in the case of visiting competitors .
22 It 's all right to the insurers you know !
23 It 's all right for a man ; men are used to smutty books and vulgar jokes — women do n't go for things like that . ’
24 But apparently he 's all right for the weekend because Saturday is a courting-free day ! ’
25 ‘ That 's all right for the moment , but I hope , Jane , that you 'll look higher than domestic activity , and think about a better way of using your energy and intelligence in the service of God . ’
26 ‘ Oh , he 's all right on the golf course .
27 With money being transferred from the Universities Funding Council to the research councils , Knill felt that ‘ there is enough now in the research council system to fully support research grants ’ .
28 Athenagoras , the Syracusan demagogue , is made by Thucydides ( vi.38 ) to say that Syracuse ‘ is only rarely in a state of internal peace ’ .
29 Also in the constellation is M16 , the Eagle Nebula , which consists of a galactic cluster together with an emission nebula ; the guide star is Gamma Scuti ( 4.7 ) , and the Eagle Nebula is only just over the Scutum boundary into Serpens .
30 Those who are newly bereaved and naturally dread the loneliness of returning to an empty house should be visited frequently in their own homes ; and when you are able to persuade them to get out of their own four walls as much as possible for fresh air and exercise and to meet others and visit relatives , it can be a considerable help if you can bring them home and go in with them for a cup of tea or a chat , even if it is only just for a quarter of an hour .
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