Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [adj] is that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But what is most striking is that by adopting the voice of the Psalm , Herbert is also adopting the voice of a king ( and a shepherd ) as the Psalm was presented as being authored by a divinely inspired King David .
2 But what is most extraordinary is that in all these little villages and towns there are Stars and Stripes displayed everywhere , usually in association with the red , white and blue of the Czech flag .
3 What is so sad is that through all the tinsel shines a reality , but we can not seem to grasp it .
4 What is so interesting is that despite that disastrous performance , Labour 's policies have hardly altered — and they would have the same effect again .
5 What is already clear is that in order to discharge some areas of responsibility there will be a need for an increase in personnel such as inspectors , and additional support for financial management and monitoring .
6 What is more encouraging is that in the same survey the Scottish average rating was 198 against a UK average of six .
7 What is particularly frightening is that in the long term it may cause irreparable brain damage .
8 What is increasingly clear is that for a large number of headhunters in the major eight firms — and many of the more profitable smaller ones — this functional or industry specialisation is a key to success .
9 What is undoubtedly clear is that during these years Henry 's power was still steadily advancing , though most modern writers tend to create the false impression of a king entirely preoccupied with the awkward domestic problem of the quarrel with Thomas Becket .
10 What is quite clear is that after the death of Lanfranc the English monks felt free to assert themselves in ways that would have been impossible while Lanfranc lived .
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