Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [adj] that [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 WITH ALL THIS BRAVADO it 's rather ironic that none of the performers would tell me their real names .
2 It is perhaps significant that none of the last four Lord Chief Justices — Lords Goddard , Parker , Widgery and Lane — had been law officers .
3 It is less sure that anyone in 1975 could have foreseen the dramatic increase in the demand for places in the ten years to follow .
4 It is just conceivable that something like this might have happened had there been a Communist government in France .
5 As a result , it is hardly surprising that everything from Patches to the Daily Telegraph employs at least one rock correspondent , from a teenage school-leaver in doorstep Nikes and a back-to-front baseball cap to some affable dilettante with a plum in his mouth and old school tie .
6 In view of the points above , it is hardly surprising that none of these was rated as more than moderately effective , and only the advisory staff were rated as significantly better than ineffective .
7 But on the contrary , this world of ‘ it was rumoured ’ and ‘ that may well have been so ’ followed at once by ‘ it is more likely that nothing of the sort happened ’ — again in the opening paragraphs — is as exhilarating as the challenge of life 's opacities to a healthy curiosity .
8 MI5 agreed to give what help was necessary so it is fairly obvious that none of the security services took Eden 's directive seriously .
9 It is particularly significant that none of his many critical comments on the book from that period suggest any mixed feelings at the time when the book was actually being planned and written .
10 ‘ In her letter concerning Wilde and Douglas , ’ Minton 's dignified reply begins , ‘ it is indeed distressing that someone of Dr. Marie Stopes 's eminence should refer to Wilde 's homosexuality with such bigoted moral fervour .
11 Rob Andrew , Craig Chalmers and Ralph Keyes may not be everyone 's cups of tea and it 's quite possible that someone like Colin Stephens may turn out to be a far greater player , but for England , Scotland and Ireland each one has shown that he is virtually indispensable .
12 ‘ It is doubly appalling that someone in a professional capacity is involved in this sort of thing .
13 Almost a quarter ( 22 per cent of those aged 65 — 74 and 23 per cent aged 75 + ) consider that it is very likely that someone of their age will develop a serious illness over the next ten years .
14 But although the literature on these questions is very large and continually increasing , it is very clear that none of the specialists concerned know any of the answers .
15 It is therefore surprising that none of the articles includes any mention of the costs that might be incurred .
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