Example sentences of "[is] [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Major congestion is building and you are asked to avoid the area if you can .
2 So maybe things are very slow erm but I think there is hope that they are changing .
3 What I 'll do when I 'm , if all the if signs and buts are covered , I will put the mike on it 's stand when I 'm working tomorrow , put it on the desk and put the recorder in the , in my briefcase underneath the little desk
4 The cautionary phase here is watch where you 're putting your feet .
5 I think we 've put a tremendous er amount of effort into trying to be a good neighbour ; we rely on the local community very heavily for it 's support if we 're going to exist and flourish in Oxford at all .
6 Police found the birds wrapped in sacks in the boot of John Darker 's Car when he was stopped in Cambridgeshire .
7 But what people notice about Anthony is the way he holds his head down , that he 'll hardly ever look you in the eye , and the manner in which he will suddenly turn his whole head away if ever there is disagreement or he is challenged in some way .
8 If , on the other hand , from some consciousness of immaculate rectitude , we follow Allen Ginsberg in giving Pound a kiss of forgiveness — and it is in effect what David Heymann does towards the end of The Last Rower — it is poetry that we are presuming to forgive , not the man but ‘ the-man-as-poet ’ .
9 ‘ There is exasperation that it is taking so long .
10 The term used for this is polydispersity and it is described by parameters derived from the statistics of the method used for molecular weight determination .
11 For them , however , the involuntariness , vivacity , and coherence of certain ideas is evidence that they are caused by real things ; for Berkeley it means they are real things .
12 A tumulus on the summit ridge is evidence that it was known , probably as a hunting ground , and may indeed have been occupied as a settlement by primitive man .
13 It 's midnight and I 'm feeling hungry .
14 There 's evidence that he was proposing to sleep further along the passage in the larger vestry . ’
15 There is a no we must n't , no , things are n't too bad , just leave it alone it 'll be okay , and somebody coming in and saying no that 's not the way you should look at it , that there is provocation if you 're gon na have a revolution it has got to be violent and it is right to be violent .
16 Yes if you 've got time do it but do n't , with all of , it do n't feel you 've got to do it , that it 's homework and I 'm going to get annoyed if you do n't do it .
17 There 's way that I 'm gon na trust them for another five or six weeks yet .
18 Fourthly , on a musical note , we are very fortunate that Richard Stilgoe is composing a special piece of music for Save The Children , the theme of course is childhood and we are putting together a menu of music and readings which will include this new piece .
19 toilet , in Bon 's , in Dan 's loo at Bon 's party cos I 'm going round going oh no no no no I 'll give you a fiver for it I went I really do n't want to sell and in the end like I just said to him look just fuck off , you know cos like he was just persistent
20 He is flipping useless and it is time that he was looking for another job .
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