Example sentences of "[is] [adj] [conj] [pron] is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is emotional because he is saying goodbye to the last of his kind .
2 He is frail and it is upsetting for her . ’
3 A coherent school policy on Standard English is possible if it is recognised that all these views are legitimate .
4 The Jockey Club believes that in the long term Sunday racing without cash betting is impractical and it is resigned to trying to bring about a change in the legislation by a private members ' bill .
5 Perhaps some positive aspects are contained within fat 's designation as taboo ; for instance , some people find fat attractive because it is forbidden and marginal : ‘ It may be that the forbidden is exciting because it is forbidden .
6 It is tautological if all that is being said is that where there is no industrial capitalism , there are no industrial capitalists , and vice versa ; and it is fallacious if it is intended as a substantial proposition meaning that the limited growth in some Third World economies is due to the absence of innovators , intermediaries , risk-takers and the like .
7 In such cases the phase information is superfluous because it is implied in the plot of the amplitude behaviour and only the latter is required .
8 The basic professional stand against censorship is sound but it is weakened by inaction when opportunities arise to be decisive and it is further weakened by elements of the profession which seek to censor , while often interpreting this as positive discrimination .
9 Although it is clear that he is committed to making changes , he has taken up fluent corporation-speak surprisingly quickly .
10 Thus it is clear that it is owing to her body that a woman is defective . )
11 It is not MAS practice to fix fees solely contingent on the price obtained for the company ; however , acting on a part fixed/part contingent basis is acceptable provided it is judged that the interest in selling is genuine , the price expectation is realistic and there is likely to be at least one buyer .
12 It is this that one is seeking to transmit and show , and it is this which is the key to the wholehearted and free contribution of the individual .
13 Today , Renee Henry is convinced that she is cured and that the Gerson therapy is responsible .
14 In some of the streets of St Ann 's nothing is personal unless it is whispered .
15 As a general rule , when the demand for a resource is such that it is allocated for two thirds of the available time , then programs spend twice as long waiting for the resource as using it .
16 You see , your subconscious mind can not tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined ; so , although the information it had received during those twelve days was in fact a product of Sylvia 's imagination , the effect on her subconscious was precisely the same as if it had been actual experience .
17 He is content when he is working , because when he is working he is pleasing his owner and that is what a Rottweiler really loves to do .
18 Nor from the point of view of the speaker , is there any hard and fast boundary between these and a non-restrictive adjective used in order to make explicit some property , when it is suspected that the hearer is unaware that it is implied by the use of the noun , as with poisonous in : ( 10 ) she threw Maisie 's lunch-box out of the window because it had a poisonous red-back spider in it Note that ( 10 ) further exemplifies the fact that whether an adjective is taken as restrictive or not depends on the rest of the entity-identifying phrase rather than just on the head noun .
19 There is then a risk that the buyer , before he has paid and therefore before he has acquired title , sells and delivers the goods to a sub-purchaser who is unaware that he is buying from someone who has no title .
20 Where , however , the defendant is unaware that he is confronted by a policeman and believes himself to be entitled to use force , the situation is different .
21 But reference to bandwidth is meaningless unless it is qualified by distance of the run .
22 Without greater honesty , we shall not combat effectively some of the extreme and ugly negativism which is widespread and which is epitomised by the derogatory phrases which Isaacs ( 1981 ) describes as ‘ defamatory ’ like ‘ old Crumble ’ .
23 The strain energy in a stretched material is very like the potential energy which is in a raised weight , except , of course , that the stress is changing as the material is strained whereas the weight of a weight is constant as it is raised to any normal height .
24 YTS training is satisfactory provided it is offered as employed status .
25 YTS is satisfactory provided it is offered as employed status .
26 Complex problems can arise where one of the purposes is lawful and one is regarded as unlawful .
27 It is imperative that he is caught very , very quickly .
28 The lightness of Courtney 's sentence is obvious when it is compared to other recent sentences .
29 The fatalism is pervasive because it is shared by two opposing camps — frowning European idealists and smiling national realists .
30 It is curious that he is commemorated in the ASB simply as a bishop ; for he was seldom if ever present in his diocese during the great Church festivals of the year .
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