Example sentences of "[is] [conj] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ One prospect is that we shall lose our seat on the Security Council . ’
2 One consequence of this is that we must adjust our account of the referential locus .
3 What is relevant is that we must overwhelm our opponent quickly and effectively .
4 Moving on , another suggestion is that we should ballot our members about who we vote for as M for MPs and also for the leader of the Party .
5 And our philosophy as a truly worldwide supplier of accounting software is that we should increase our presence in different parts of the world as our sales and marketing activity there merits it .
6 The injunction which still holds good is that we should use our resources with as much single-mindedness and astuteness as the unjust steward displayed but in our case to further the interests of the Kingdom of God .
7 ‘ The only problem is that we will kill your daughter if you do not do exactly as you are told . ’
8 The conclusion to this part of the argument is that we can calculate our way into regions of miraculous improbability far greater than we can imagine as plausible .
9 The reason the vendor shareholders may be willing to accept this is that they can defer their capital gains tax liability deriving from the disposal of their Target shares if s135 TCGA 1992 is satisfied and clearance under s138 is obtained .
10 However , it is important to keep your fellow campaigners in other groups informed of what you are doing as the likelihood is that they will read your releases and help circulate them further .
11 What is certain is that she will stamp her own identity on whatever activities she heads up within the White House .
12 All … all that I 'm saying is that I would like my job and what I do ideally to be like that .
13 My advantage over the rest of the managers is that I can manipulate my time more .
14 One of the conventions of research — which we discuss in more detail below , in Chapter 5 — is that you must enable your reader to find again what you have read ( and in any case , it is useful for you to be able to find again what you have read ) .
15 If there is one moral in the interlacements of the latter it is that you must do your duty regardless of what you think is going to happen .
16 It is impossible to meet every person 's expectations and my hope is that you will forgive my mistakes and keep me in your thoughts and prayers .
17 The best thing about them is that you can personalise your gifts .
18 The other thing to remember is that you can damage your discs by inserting them before switching the computer on , or for that matter by leaving them in while you switch it off .
19 The main advantage of building your own — or getting a local builder in to do it for you — is that you can satisfy your requirements precisely , cope with all sorts of little local site difficulties , and create a building that is a good match for your house style .
20 And the good news is that you can use your existing styling tools to create this new look .
21 Two years later to Somerset where I learnt that the great advantage of being an in-house solicitor is that you can help your clients , the social workers , planners , and teachers to get their procedures and attitudes right before cases come to court or committee .
22 ‘ One of the fundamental tenets of the quality process , ’ said Anthony Goddard , ‘ is that you should understand your customer 's requirements .
23 The betting is that he will get his way .
24 I guess what I would really like is if I could get my own club and have everyone come to where I was !
25 You learn to listen because you know what a rectangle is and you can measure your idea of it against theirs .
26 I think though , your lamp you 're gon na have to wait for your lamp because that 's but you can have your desk
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