Example sentences of "[is] [conj] [prep] the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 It 's that at the age of 34 , fourteen years after first shambling on stage in downtown Chicago , having criss-crossed the stand-up circuit from coast to coast and guested on very hip chat show from David Letterman to Arsenio Hall , he should be bigger than he is .
2 Presumably the reason why the lights appear stationary while the " ghost " is seen to revolve is that during the duration of any light the stimulus from it is accompanied by fused after-images of the other three .
3 On the continuity point their argument is that under the system of election by thirds , you do n't see a dramatic switch in the party control of the council .
4 One of the drawbacks of alluvial sources is that under the pressure of a growing demand they tend to be depleted to a point at which more intensive methods are called for .
5 ‘ The paradox of this reform is that despite the abolition of PRT for new fields , and the reduced rate for existing fields , after 1993-94 it will actually raise revenue for the Exchequer , ’ he added .
6 The truth is that despite the siting of the creamery it has probably not been made with local products for some time .
7 He states : ‘ What Hale is saying is that for the purpose of the law of rape the consent given at the time of the marriage ceremony can not in law be revoked . ’
8 One of the most readily accessible for example , is that for the evkaf of Suleyman 's mother , Hafsa Sultan , in Manisa , dated Sha'ban 929/June July 1523 .
9 The simple truth is that for the duration of the tours rugby became the political football in the power-broking struggle currently being played out between the various factions in South African politics .
10 The South 's case is that for the sake of the ever-improving standards of life which the North 's electorates demand , it squanders resources , poisons the atmosphere and then , to stem the environmental degradation it has caused , demands that the impoverished South forgo equality with the North in the name of salvation !
11 ‘ The Crown 's case is that on the morning of 31 October , 1991 , in a storeroom at the rear of their home , he clubbed his young wife to death with a lump hammer . ’
12 To be exact it is 3,146 metres or 10,480 feet high ; but what is distinctive about Balaïtous , when you see it from here , is that to the left of the summit is one of the few significant glaciers still surviving in the Pyrenees .
13 What Donaldson has taught us , however , is that at the heart of the experimental situation is a child who is actively trying to make his or her own sense of the situation — and in particular , trying to understand , from what the adult says and does , and from how the materials are manipulated , what the adult 's motives and intentions might be .
14 The problem is that at the beginning of each new year , we either ignore the tradition of making resolutions , or we try to do too much at once and fail dismally .
15 Answer guide : The point here is that at the date of the balance sheet the business did not own the asset nor had it any right to its use as all that had happened at that date was an order had been placed which could easily be cancelled .
16 What is less known is that at the close of the Southern African conflict , this same general had been discreetly retired , and he had then entered business , dealing in shipments from Southern Africa .
17 All the money I have earned over the years has gone — in some cases I do n't why or where — but the fact is that at the age of 40 , I have no savings .
18 The evidence of a child who was taught by the ‘ Natural Aurilism ’ method is that at the age of 5 she is able to talk and play with normal children at a normal school and although she may not be as far ahead , the results of this method seem astounding .
19 The third reason is that at the time of apparent consent or refusal the patient may not , for the time being , be a competent adult .
20 Another , closely related , hypothesis is that at the end of each day we have in our unconscious a sort of ragbag of bits and pieces of experience which our conscious mind has not had the time , opportunity or inclination to process ; once again , the function of the dream is to deal with this material .
21 The other is that at the end of time there will only be the kings of Hearts , Spades , Diamonds , Clubs and England .
22 This does fulfil the essential of making your hero gain some useful fact from each scene you show him or her in , though the danger for the tyro plotter is that at the end of each interview one more suspect will have simply been " written out " .
23 The extraordinary factor in such debates is that at the end of them we get the feeling that there is little that we can actually do to alter the course of events .
24 In fact a more realistic explanation for the laying out of the garden is that at the end of the Napoleonic wars there were alot of unemployed soldiers looking for work .
25 We have come up against some prejudice in the dressage , but the nice thing is that at the end of the test sheets you often see the same comment from the judge — ‘ What a super pony ! ’ . ’
26 What Marslen-Wilson and Tyler propose is that at the onset of a word no reduction of the cohort by context has occurred , and that initial reduction of cohort size depends solely upon sensory input , not context .
27 As for existing clients , the view is that amid the mountain of junk mail specialised newsletters would be lost , if not be a deterrent .
28 An important point to note is that since the introduction of independent taxation , a married woman is entitled to have her section of the joint pension offset against her own personal allowance instead of it being counted as part of her husband 's taxable income .
29 A less well understood relationship is that between the variability of accounting figures and stock returns .
30 The relevance of Pentecost is that through the person of the Holy Spirit these propositions can acquire a personal dimension which in turn should influence our thinking and our behaviour .
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