Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [adv] a good [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is not just A Good Thing , but seen as an important part of the business .
2 It is not really a good idea to buy a few packets at random in the hope that these will be the type of thing you need .
3 Bearing in mind that the elderly often most enjoy visits that are on a one-to-one basis , during which they can ventilate their anxieties and have the undivided attention of a sympathetic listener , it is not always a good idea to arrive with several young children in tow , if they can be happily parked elsewhere .
4 Sometimes , with older children , it is often advocated that all refused instructions are dealt with this way but this is not always a good idea .
5 However , unlimited choice is not always a good thing .
6 It is also important to recognise that , for many of those with disabilities , performance in one situation , such as school , is not always a good guide to performance in real living and working situations .
7 Furthermore , intuition is not always a good guide , as problem 3 in the Prologue demonstrates .
8 Photography is a highly specialised business and apart from the odd record shot it is not usually a good idea for the PRO to take his or her own photographs .
9 Being big is not necessarily a good thing : most organisms are bacteria and very few are elephants .
10 Complete freedom is not necessarily a good thing , as the newly retired often discover , nor is it easy to use effectively .
11 I hope it will be a birthday year in in every way , er but it 's not just a good excuse to have a party there is very serious intent behind this birthday .
12 ‘ You only have your own narrow vision — and that 's not usually a good thing .
13 People make a virtue of loyalty but it 's not always a good thing .
14 Yeah , I , I could say well that 's not a police issue and then forget about it but that 's not really a good response , ?
15 but it 's not really a good idea because if something goes wrong with your machine
16 ‘ Oh well , fair enough ’ , it 's not really a good idea .
17 If you do n't win the Boat Race , it might be a good year otherwise but it 's not really a good year . ’
18 You know , on the surface it 's not necessarily a good bargain .
19 It 's not necessarily a good deal .
20 There is hardly ever a good reason why the deal should not be set out in writing , and this may help to avoid future dispute , but you need to check the proposed wording carefully in conjunction with your advisers .
21 Erm , I 'm not in a position to add anything very much to the article for next year , I spent most of Friday afternoon with the Tech last week , erm , but there 's still obviously a good deal of uncertainty about programmes for next year , erm , what I think has been very positive is that we have now er , this year for the first time since the Tech 's formation , they 've started to discuss some of the issues about the programmes with a group of providers .
22 Remember , though , no-one gets handed a medal for having a drug-free birth , but it 's still quite a good goal to aim for .
23 That 's just an example of the way that John Ashburton and David Simon run the ship , and I think it 's probably quite a good example of teamwork , too . ’
24 It is also generally a good idea to keep your notes short ; while you may want to keep a record of everything that might prove useful , your notes will seem unhelpful if you feel swamped with redundant information when you come to refer to them later .
25 On the other hand , there is also clearly a good case for the type of external validation operated by the CNAA , whereby course proposals are essentially considered by ‘ peer groups ’ made up largely of staff from institutions within public sector higher education , together with some members of the universities .
26 This means that students then have the chance to present themselves as they would at a working audition , and this is often quite a good place to attract attention .
27 The man is n't even a good technician . ‘
28 ‘ Coming back is n't always a good thing , ’ he said .
29 Is n't this a good idea because we 'll all be nice and warm now ?
30 Someone who 's brilliant on the cinema screen is n't necessarily a good talk show guest .
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