Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [adj] and i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The final effect is perversely exotic and I feel my usual pang of jealousy .
2 I could n't get Nutty to wear that flowered frock you gave him , he 's dead ignorant and I wish you 'd send the lads to sort him out again .
3 And erm how we actually measure I I would accept is d is somewhat difficult and I think it 's based on erm a a an assessment er a professional assessment of the issues that are current to the criteria .
4 ‘ It … it 's just that life is so bloody and I 've been carrying this dreadful emotional weight around with me since Seville and I want rid of it . ’
5 My hon. Friend is entirely right and I agree with him .
6 I understand my hon. Friend 's point , but the section is entirely clear and I think that all local authorities are aware of its provisions , which place the primary duty of enforcing the Shops Act 1950 on them .
7 But his family is extremely rich and I do n't expect he knows any shepherds . ’
8 I think forgiveness is extremely difficult and I think you have to have something done against you to be able to forgive .
9 You know I mean it 's so annoying and I wish now I 'd done at the time , wrote their names down .
10 My brother is not well and I feel I must stay at home .
11 That is not sensible and I seek to move the Community in the appropriate direction .
12 Well I 'm sure the writing out of the agenda is , I , I 'm not just saying it , the agenda is not difficult and I do everything I can and I will write any letters you want .
13 unnamed that is not true and I do agree with Mr that when we make a decision to close some homes that they should be named to avoid the terrible indecision which exists at the moment .
14 It is not wrong and I understand that next week we shall have the opportunity to debate the correctness of what I have said .
15 and I felt the side of it and it 's just warm and I thought oh he , he must getting
16 I ca n't worry my husband because he 's not well and I do n't want him to think I 'd make any difference .
17 It 's not right and I have to lie for him !
18 Still , the ale 's not bad and I thought there might be a chance of a blow . ’
19 that 's not bad and I went round to see Helen to see if she wanted this one for baby Anna but she said this one there is another one in there , erm
20 So we talk of five hundred redundancies is totally wrong and I think erm in the circumstances calculated to give the wrong impression I hope I will urge that you do not accept the resolution and that we accept in .
21 That offer is still open and I think it could work well if people could be bothered .
22 I 'd quite like a cigarette , too , even though it 's still early and I 've barely got over the morning cough but McDunn seems to have forgotten his manners .
23 ‘ The scene is wide open and I think I 'm reaching my peak now .
24 Mrs Appleby 's awfully nice and I think you 'll like her . ’
25 My sister Ellen , sir , who has had charge of my first-born this three long years , her husband William died of blood poisoning in September and she is now alone and I have written even before I heard of the plan to go to Rome to beg her to come out here to me with Oreste and if she does , as I think she will , having no other family or ties , then she might look after my house and other child for the winter and we would all profit without further trouble . ’
26 It 's fairly peaceful and I do n't think it will pose any threat to the fish currently in your aquarium .
27 But certainly the lighting 's quite nice and I think , very pretty girl and could be better with the better composition .
28 He 's quite plump and I suppose quite elderly , but he has a wonderful mind .
29 and I mean I have done several since I left the Scottish Office as well which is quite good and I thought that I might put Sandy at his ease by telling a couple of amusing incidents that have happened post the Scottish Office days
30 My fish is quite tame and I hand feed him , although as he ( or she ) gets larger I will stop this practice as I value my fingers .
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