Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [adj] and it [is] " in BNC.

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1 In a dinner queue yes , someone collapsing and dying in the dinner queue is rather absurd and it 's also very
2 But there is some strain on the heart and it is rather large and it is n't working so well .
3 Admittedly he is rather obscure and it 's nearly a nundred years since he died .
4 Some of the direction is rather nifty and it 's also go the benefit of being very well shot , but then there 's a such a hell of a lot of the other type of shooting going on here it 's pretty difficult to notice .
5 Some of the direction is rather nifty and it 's also go the benefit of being very well shot , but then there 's a such a hell of a lot of the other type of shooting going on here it 's pretty difficult to notice .
6 Equals something that 's incredibly expensive and it 's a jolly good idea for other people .
7 This feature is incredibly useful and it is a vital part of racing technique .
8 It 's rather oily and it 's quite a a dense liquid .
9 One of the major drawbacks is that no good bowel contrast agent is commercially available and it is therefore frequently difficult to distinguish tumour from loops of bowel .
10 This is fundamentally useless and it is amazing that anyone ever manages to get a properly aligned document as a result .
11 Although some NMR studies have shown that it is possible to bind two actinomycin molecules to the tetranucleotide GCGC [ 29 ] , binding of the second molecule is highly anticooperative and it is generally believed that the exclusion site size for actinomycin , under normal conditions , is at least 4 base pairs [ 1 ] .
12 The material itself is highly flammable and it 's heavier than air which means , in chemical , means it drops down to ground level .
13 Marking here is somewhat subjective and it is hard to give general guidelines beyond the obvious one that the aim of the marker is to help the student do ( even ) better next time .
14 ‘ It 's extremely unsafe and it 's only a matter of time before someone is badly hurt . ’
15 We have been told for several centuries now that every child is naturally different and it is therefore wrong to impose on one the mould which has been prepared for others unlike it .
16 This book , which contains a wealth of stories and information is long overdue and it is heartening to see a tome that tells the story behind the ‘ training ’ phase of the RAF 's history .
17 Now I do n't stand here in any sense of defending these salaries , in fact I think our policy is entirely right and it is not inflationary .
18 Because it 's so unlikely and it 's so shocking and it 's such a funny thing to say .
19 Because it 's so unlikely and it 's so shocking and it 's such a funny thing to say .
20 It is much easier and it 's much safer and it strikes me to be making the case for a western relief road to provide the relief north to the A one , has already been achieved on the six five eight .
21 Nearly all horses will suffer from some anxiety from time to time , which is perfectly normal , but chronic anxiety is not normal and it is probably the most insidiously destructive emotion possible .
22 In my judgment , however , the law is not certain and it is necessary for this court to consider whether , having regard to the right to free expression , the law of libel can be held to extend to a local government authority .
23 Once that finding is made , goes on the argument , the remedy is not discretionary and it is not necessary for the defendant to prove prejudice .
24 Although to date it has happened only twice , I recognise , as the committee 's chairman , that this is not satisfactory and it is the committee 's practice in such situations to suspend its own enquiry immediately .
25 This list of requirements is not exhaustive and it is more than likely that the executive committee in charge of the planning process would change its mind at least once during the selection procedure as enquiries proceeded .
26 This list is not exhaustive and it is always open to a party seeking transfer to satisfy the court that the case is exceptionally grave , important or complex for other reasons .
27 There is a substantial group of patients , however , in which the cause is not obvious and it is difficult to know how far to investigate .
28 This stress is not symmetric and it is little used in continuum mechanics , although certain expressions become more compact when it is used .
29 Exactly why this has been a difficulty is not clear and it is ironic considering the lead responsibility local authorities fought for and won .
30 Alan is just 26 and it 's probably purely that which has got him my vote .
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