Example sentences of "[is] [verb] is [vb pp] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In the first the record that is added is inserted into its correct position in the file , and the record at the end of the track to which it was added drops off into overflow .
2 If what is said is contradicted by what is seen — that is when the words do not ‘ match ’ the facial expression — then , to the astute observer , it is the words which will be disregarded , and what is seen will a believed .
3 Approaching the fabliaux with a mind prepared to find moral instruction in the texts , however unpromising they might superficially seem to be for such interpretation , is something that we can reconstruct as an authentic medieval mode of reading — " " All that is written is written for our doctrine " " as St Paul has it — although there is little direct evidence for the application of such literary theory to vernacular literature as well as the classics before the fourteenth century , and even then the extent of such application is difficult to assess .
4 If the task he is performing is regarded by him as most important , then performance will tend to improve ; if on the other hand it is regarded as peripheral to some other activity , such as avoiding danger , then performance will deteriorate ’ ( p.545 ) .
5 In contrast with this fabricated ‘ real ’ redness the redness which immediately appears and from which the whole conception of red is obtained is downgraded to something which pertains only to how things look to us .
6 The young man 's betrothed is related to him but only in the seventh degree . ’
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