Example sentences of "[is] [verb] have [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Whereas a woman who dies before her husband is considered to have made a good death and her body is decked in a married woman 's finery , one who survives her husband is somehow always blamed for his death and must never put on finery again as a penance .
2 Birkenhead , the chairman of the committee , which had produced rather limp conclusions , is reported to have broken an awed silence to announce that if the Prime Minister spoke to the House as he had just spoken to the Cabinet he would do so with unanimous support and triumphant outcome .
3 The landlady is reported to have seen a red stain on the ceiling of one room.She called the police , and they found the body .
4 Forest 's £3 million-rated midfielder Roy Keane is reported to have agreed an extended contract for another two years .
5 The handsome Lotus marketing manager is reported to have rented a luxury cottage 25 miles from the Queen 's Sandringham Estate in Norfolk .
6 Windows for Workgroup drivers will be delivered as part of a forthcoming PC-NFS release , said to be ‘ imminent , ’ by which time Microsoft is expected to have released an updated version of Workgroup for Windows with a patch for PC-NFS support .
7 Since science 's primary role is that of commentator rather than practitioner , the set of transformation rules and practices by which the radical 's dilemma is resolved have taken a special form .
8 Magnus is said to have led a blameless childhood and in the Longer Magnúss Saga he is said to have had a good schooling which enabled him to learn ‘ holy writings ’ .
9 Financially astute , Alice cultivated people like the financier , Sir Ernest Cassel [ q.v. ] , and is said to have realized a considerable sum by the sale of certain rubber shares presented to her by her royal lover .
10 New Lord Mayor of London Francis McWiliams is said to have played a key role in persuading Mr Heseltine to turn again .
11 Again , during the American War of Independence , their colonel is said to have given a long speech under heavy fire about Spartan discipline and the efficient military system of the Lacedaemonians .
12 The Queen is said to have persuaded a reluctant Diana to go to Korea .
13 Its hillside position is exceptional and its views of the surrounding countryside entrancing , but it is best known among Italians as the place gentle Saint Francis is said to have tamed a mean , ferocious wolf which had been terrorising locals .
14 He is said to have signed a sworn statement saying he spied on the couple alone together — and has sold the story to a Sunday newspaper .
15 Childebert 's dux Guntram Boso is said to have captured an immense amount of gold and silver when Gundovald fled from Avignon .
16 The post-war boom 's revolution of rising expectations is said to have fostered an insatiable appetite for more , without concern for the question of ‘ who pays ? ’
17 Magnus is said to have led a blameless childhood and in the Longer Magnúss Saga he is said to have had a good schooling which enabled him to learn ‘ holy writings ’ .
18 Last year , Inland Revenue investigations into the affairs of 1.54pc of the nation 's farmers is said to have produced an additional £18m tax revenue .
19 The substance of much present-day Western analysis consists of frictions between contending interests and élites , accommodations , bargains and rear guard actions : a political set-up in which the Armed Forces General Staff , with its prestige and professional competence , is seen to have acquired a firm foothold .
20 Bernard Paringaud of the firm Spedilec , is alleged to have asked a German firm to store the waste .
21 On one occasion he is alleged to have told a bald papal legate who had just excommunicated him for refusing to abandon his mistress that he would see the legate 's hair in curlers before he gave her up .
22 On the one hand , the new art history 's commitment to the conditions in which art is produced has influenced a strong interest in women artists ' different social and economic position ; and on the other , the history of psychology , represented above all by Michael Foucault 's studies of sexuality , has fostered a keen awareness , among practitioners as well as critics , that cultural symbolism informs the language of social exchange beyond material , that it expresses sand creates shared ideas about femaleness , about sexual difference ; furthermore , these ideas are constantly in flux .
23 Denis Smith says the three players he 's bought have made a big difference .
24 Staff made frantic attempts to revive him but he is thought to have suffered a massive heart attack .
25 On Sunday West Germany had complained about the police presence around its embassy , and the slackening of restrictions is thought to have reflected an apparent Czechoslovak desire to remain as far as possible on good terms with both Germanies .
26 And Stewart is thought to have put a reserve price of something over £50,000 .
27 It would , I consider , be wrong to read it as requiring that in every case where a witness is shown to have made a previous statement inconsistent with his evidence at the trial , the jury should be directed that such evidence should be regarded as unreliable : see Driscoll v. The Queen ( 1977 ) 51 A.L.J.R. 731 , 740 , per Gibbs J. , with whom Barwick C.J. agreed , at p. 734 .
28 Mr Kirwan was treated at Redcar where he is understood to have suffered a minor chest injury .
29 Her sister , Lady Jane Fellowes , is believed to have made an early morning visit to Kensington Palace to offer support , but the Princess kept her distress private .
30 The MoD is believed to have struck a hard bargain — at somewhere between £120 million and £130 million a ship — with Swan Hunter winning the work against ‘ keen and commercial ’ competition from Yarrows on Clydeside and Cammell Laird on Merseyside .
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