Example sentences of "[is] [verb] [adv prt] [conj] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , he sees this fat cunt with some of his mates with some tea — and he 's moved along a bit to the end and he 's pissing down and out through the open bit and its all blowing down on these cunts ’ heads and into their
2 A similar change is occurring in and out of Britain .
3 The charge is let in or out of each capacitor by its own switch but the charge continually drains away so it needs to be constantly topped up from the mains or battery .
4 He is looking up and out to sea in a southerly direction , and looking and listening desperately for sight or sound of Middleton — but that was not to be .
5 Harold was becoming more and more irritable with his wife 's bouncing in and out of bed and he declared that if the mice saw the kitten they might well decide to make a meal of it .
6 I mean it 's going in and out at the right places but it 's also to do with childbearing O K. So George is changing the subject there completely kind of off the wall is n't he , er this comment ?
7 Therefore , while the user is moving in and out of various accounts in the course of normal work , LIFESPAN can be accessed at any time from any account which contains the relevant modules .
8 He is thought to have a fractured skull and is drifting in and out of consciousness .
9 Stripping and ligation of varicose veins involves the insertion into the vein of a long flexible tube with a head at one end ( a " stripper " ) , which is pulled through and out at the groin incision tearing the vein from the surrounding tissue .
10 As a basic point , you should enquire whether the scheme is contracted in or out of SERPS and whether the intention is that it should remain so in the future .
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