Example sentences of "[is] [verb] [conj] [pron] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 it 's raining and I call it nice
2 So there 's an example of where it 's happening and I hope it will happen over the whole field .
3 Like most LIFESPAN activities , CREFDL will inform you of its progress as it works , so it is recommended that you run it from a hard copy terminal , or log the session to a file .
4 And that seems to be to demonstrate difference between what is happening whether we like it or not at central government level and input of somebody who is perpetual of opposing propositions and that is the to two particular items within this alternative budget .
5 This is all realistic and is happening as I think it would if small boys were alone on an island .
6 Steve Goodwin is The Drummer From Cud and he 's pretending that he thinks it 's a really cool joke ha ha ha that both he and the band he loves have become a synonym for wanky indie crap .
7 ‘ Your tea is ruined so I threw it in the bin .
8 But , given that there is government money available for training , the local community should have more say about what type of training is needed and who gives it .
9 The author 's study is preserved as he left it , along with his collections of books , armour and historical records .
10 At the time of the funeral a set form of words is used and I think it is helpful to look at what sense these words can convey to this majority population who are not regular church attenders .
11 I have noted that flicking is very common where such a substrate is used and I think it may be from mechanical irritation of the gills by tiny bits of coral suspended in the water .
12 Has we has been you is get is get and you to paint it .
13 That is proceeding and I welcome it .
14 I mean it 's it 's their responsibility to er prepare the local plan in the context of what the structure plan strategy as a whole is saying and I think it 's it 's necessary not to just look at this particular policy in total isolation and assume that that is going to give er what you fear to district councils the ability to nothing .
15 Because one 's involved whether one likes it or not , just by caring for the person concerned . ’
16 It is estimated that he trebled it in real terms — and this at a time when the population was stagnant , His most important innovation was the poll-tax in place of the household tax , which the peasantry had been able partially to evade by merging households .
17 Even with a simple system like this we can not draw direct conclusions about the functions of a component from knowing what is lost when we destroy it .
18 And both the Pharisees and the scribes began to grumble saying , this man receives sinners and eats with them , and he told them this parable saying , what man among you , if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them , does not leave the ninety and nine in the open pasture and go out to the one which is lost until he finds it .
19 He leaves them in the open pasture says Jesus , he leaves them in the wilderness and goes after the one which is lost until he finds it .
20 The importance of this expenditure is realized when we contrast it with the £701,469 these three same denominations spent on ministerial training and the £692,054 spent on home missions .
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