Example sentences of "[to-vb] how [adv] [pron] [modal v] go " in BNC.

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1 WHEN I WAS GROWING UP , the boys I hung around with used to have competitions to see how long they could go without changing their underpants .
2 I want to see how long he 'll go on denying the fact that he was listening in , she told herself to justify her inability to leave .
3 In the end I had to take it to a skid pan to see how far it would go before it eventually lost its cool The answer was as far as its steering lock would allow .
4 ‘ And it amused you to see how far I would go , ’ she finished for him .
5 You were acting because you wanted to see how far I 'd go ! ’
6 To see how far I can go with them , sometimes .
7 I always wanted to get out and practise , to see how far I could go .
8 He seemed intent now on pushing to see how far he could go and she appeared willing to give way in everything in order to pacify .
9 I wanted to see how far you would go . ’
10 He offered her a bleak look , ‘ You 're full of righteous indignation at the thought that I was cynically testing to see how far you 'd go — but you offer no apology for your own behaviour .
11 I knew you wanted to see how far you could go . ’
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