Example sentences of "[to-vb] him [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I went to meet him and he took me on — now I go for lessons twice a week . ’
2 I ran through the works to find him and he asked what was the matter .
3 ‘ One man got in and tried to strangle him but I pulled him off , ’ he said .
4 He was going towards the sea , and I hoped to catch him before he reached it .
5 I went to punch him but I caught him with the crowbar instead . ’
6 They were side by side , and she rolled on to her back , arched herself to receive him as she stretched her legs outwards and clasped them round him .
7 Still , she was determined to help him whether he wanted it or not .
8 books for Alex and I want to help him and I want him to have an advantage , but I do n't want it to cause problems at school
9 Eager hands reached out to help him as he eased himself out of the car .
10 I mean last week the choppers werny even gettin in to pick them off the Rigs what with the gales and that so basically I 've just got to expect him when I see him .
11 One of the biggest of all was about to challenge him and he knew what it would take .
12 Mum went over and tried to console him but he pushed her gently from him .
13 Trevor Magee stopped and looked up as the pigeons took off , anxious to avoid him as he made his way across Trafalgar Square .
14 Drop by the record company , go to the reception , give your tape to the receptionist and try to persuade him or her to put your demo on to your target A&R person 's desk .
15 She apparently threatened to leave him unless he told her who the person was .
16 ‘ His parents were too poor to keep him so they lent him to a forester .
17 I believe G.P. — I do n't have to believe him when he says it , I can see it 's true — he hardly worries about money at all .
18 I agreed with that at least , and I was half-prepared to believe him when he said he could keep me out of it .
19 He 's swaying a bit and I have to grab him cos I think he 's going to fall over .
20 Carrie floundered excitedly through the snow to greet him and it seemed she was about to throw her arms about him .
21 We prefer to see him as we think he sees himself : a pragmatist . ’
22 His sister , Sara , had been to see him and I think she must have upset him .
23 If you injured this one , it would be as well to kill him before he killed you .
24 ( b ) That later on the same night , after Zaidie had reached home , the defendant had driven there with another man and confronted him with a gun and had said that he had come to move out Paulette. ( c ) That after that incident , but still in June 1986 , when Zaidie was driving into a friend 's house , the defendant drove up and , saying that he had heard that Zaidie had hit Paulette , again threatened to kill him if he touched her .
25 ‘ He 's a big influence on us and we 're going to miss him when he starts his suspension . ’
26 He pulled her into his arms , giving her no chance to try to evade him as he held her tightly against the solid strength of his body .
27 Yeah and Mike 's seen him like that and mum went round the ward and she made all the beds to help them and all , we had to bribe them to look after him , but was he looked after in the end , on Saturday I said look , I said do n't fucking come over here and tell me my dad 's gon na be turned in a minute I said because a minute is a minute , I said but when you come over here three and a half hours later to my dad that 's like three years , he 's in excruciating agony , he wants to turn him when you tell him you 're gon na turn him
28 On reflection , she had been too quick to judge him and she regretted it now .
29 This experience appeared to transform him and he threw himself into a great surge of composition , writing a Mass of Thanksgiving for unaccompanied choir filling 100 pages of manuscript , which he completed in 15 days , as well as other works , including a setting of Out of the Deep which is given its first performance by his choir at St Philip and St James , Cheltenham , at his funeral on today .
30 It felt unbearably good to hold him as he kissed her .
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