Example sentences of "[to-vb] out [prep] [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The company 's decision to pull out of retailing and sell its interests to close rival South Western Electricity has helped push profits to £29.7m for the half year , up £9m .
2 During the winter of 1908–9 , however , Picasso produced two very large canvases ( larger than any he was to produce until the summer of 1914 ) which seem to stand out from others that surround them and which have been the subject of much stimulating argument and discussion .
3 To the accompaniment of one of Alan Dell 's Big Band programmes Patrick told Peter Jennings about the murder and the theft of the letters , the switched bodies and his decision to come out to Romania and try to pick up the scent of John and Angela Bonnard .
4 These bombs were produced when lumps of viscous , gas-rich lava were ejected from the vent ; the outer surface of the lump chilled quickly , forming the glassy crust , but the inside remained hot , and the gas trapped within it continued to come out of solution and to expand , forming a spongy mass of vesicles .
5 ‘ You ca n't expect people to come out of prison and go dashing to the social security — not on the day of their release . ’
6 Clive Smott ( 59 ) was formerly with Princess Eugene Road Garage Reserves and has agreed to come out of retirement and put on his boots for the first time in three years .
7 Surely , it is better to find out in advance than to cause death or suffering to one 's fish , grief to oneself , and waster money in the process ?
8 GLENN Hoddle 's almost instant decision to walk out on Swindon and join the much richer Chelsea is not unexpected , but still a little disappointing .
9 For all the questions and doubts the book raises , it 's not one that I 'd want to damn out of court or do without .
10 What a pity the management allows bombers to ski out of control and spoil serious skiers ' pleasure by crashing into them !
11 The dustbag itself forms part of the filtration system , so if high filtration is important to you , be sure to look out for cleaners that have dust indicators to tell you the amount the bag contains .
12 Those reductions were those identified in paragraph three and perhaps I do need to point out in fact that according to the report in Policy and Resources Committee , the use of carry forwards from the registration service of twenty thousand pounds in fact needs to be replicated across all three years .
13 We seemed to only just muster up enough energy to go out on stage and play that day , and after the show was done we were exhausted .
14 Then Elaine said , ‘ Do you remember we used to go out with Mama and buy Father 's cigars , and then go out with Father — he would take us into Newcastle and we would get Mama 's perfume .
15 He prefers to go out to restaurants and read a book , or watch people .
16 The Community of Madonna House expressed their willingness to go out to parishes and help with prayer or study groups if requested .
17 When the British started to go out of Britain and go abroad for their holidays their eyes were opened .
18 In 1986 almost half the people aged over 85 , for example , were unable to go out of doors and walk down the road on their own , and almost a third were unable to manage stairs .
19 This at least gives him the freedom to go out for air and to do errands such as visiting local shops or going to the hairdresser .
20 ‘ You know , ’ he said , excitedly , ‘ right back before all this , right back when we used to live in the old hole , I used to sit out at nights and watch the moon .
21 Throughout the night Joanna sat on the floor , too terrified to cry out for help or remove the blindfold despite being in agony as her contact lenses dried in her eyes .
22 It is not in the nature of this doubt to cry out in pain or groan in anguish .
23 The man so often pilloried for fouling up on the big occasion was determined to make no mistake this time , racing to the front immediately to keep out of trouble and defying his opponents to get past .
24 If I think I am going mad , and let a psychiatrist make my decisions for me , the goals I borrow become means to keep out of trouble and recover my health .
25 AN unexpected 1 p.c. rise in manufacturing production in February raised hopes that manufacturers were beginning to climb out of recession and caught economists by surprise yesterday .
26 July 19 : Cessna 180J N9962N unable to climb out of canyon and crashed at New Castle , Wyoming .
27 Of course , as he is moving in a random direction at a random speed , he is quite likely to whirl out of control and hit either side .
28 She was too frightened to get out of bed and go to find Victorine .
29 She tried to get out of bed and had to be restrained . ’
30 So I had to get out of bed and turn over .
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