Example sentences of "[to-vb] out [conj] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I expect to come out and do well after a two-week break at Christmas .
2 Old Mr David Hughes has just been told by his doctors that he 'll have to retire , and the younger members of the family would prefer to sell out and start up on their own .
3 He had tried to cry out , but something had smothered his cries , and he had wanted to reach out and clutch on to everything that was dear and familiar and real and safe .
4 Only through his marriage , which for him was unconsciously rooted in an identification with the bereaved , did he create the conditions where it became more difficult to drive out or cut off from the attachment he both yearned for and feared .
5 At break I was on duty in the corridor telling people to get out and go around to the canteen not through the school .
6 Swan Hellenic Discovery Cruises — Cruise with just 250 fellow passengers to the ancient lands of the Mediterranean and Aegean to seek out and learn more about the past in company with guest lecturers .
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