Example sentences of "[to-vb] if i could [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Without thinking , I got up and went over to see if I could lend a hand .
2 Er it 's just to see if I could get a repeat prescription for the pill .
3 I was trying last year to try to see if I could get a erm an Indian , you know when we sort of do looking at Asia
4 Ooh then I went to the B and Q to see if I could get a blind to match , but I spent , so I
5 My purpose was to see if I could write a novel with only two characters , preserving the unities of time , place and action ( it all happens in one day in John 's London flat ) , without any cheating through long flashbacks or such devices .
6 I knew I was courting disaster without a rope and partner on , so rushed around below the ice cliffs of the snout to see if I could force a route over the smooth slabs and close to the col .
7 I I had er a return ticket from York to Gloucester and I was fortunate enough to get a lift back so I went into the station to ask if I could get a refund on the other half of the return and they said Sure you owe us four pounds .
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