Example sentences of "[to-vb] on a [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus deadlock can occur if and only if the environment offers to communicate on a set of channels disjoint from one of the sets represented by the
2 All able-bodied people go on about how horrible the changing-room experience is — how awful because my bra is dirty , or I 'm too fat or too thin — but disabled girls : how do you even begin to assess your own emotions on entering a changing room with young able-bodied women , most of them slim but all saying , ‘ Oh , I 've got a horrible body ’ , when you 're in a wheelchair , just wanting to try on a pair of trousers ?
3 There were four headmasters and they From Not from Girran because there was only the one high school , but from er Prestwick , Glenbuck and that , and the used to meet on a Saturday at Turnbelly to play golf .
4 Liz started as an assistant cook just a few months after CCG had won the Grampian contract , but later moved into the office and now bring her experience to bear on a range of tasks .
5 In several of the countries we studied , we found strong evidence that good results can be achieved by community-based teams consisting of professionally-trained workers and a variety of paraprofessional personnel who bring their joint efforts to bear on a range of client and community needs .
6 As one of Scotland 's senior education professionals , he has brought his experience to bear on a number of organisations outwith the Council including the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities , as education adviser , and the University Grants Committee .
7 You may be asked to concentrate on a pinpoint of light or on a particular spot on the ceiling while the therapist makes his suggestions of relaxation .
8 JUSTIN FASHANU , player and assistant manager of Third Division Torquay , is quitting football at the end of the season to concentrate on a career in broadcasting .
9 To eat chalk is as foolish as to try to write on a blackboard with cheese !
10 Mid morning he would yell out to the trainees during lulls in activity : " Everyone off the phone " When all had complied , he instructed them each to write on a piece of paper ten numbers out of the 40 that corresponded with the internal telephone lines .
11 Colchester Borough Council was asked by the county council , which makes planning decisions on landfill sites , to comment on an application for changes at Bellhouse Pit , Colchester .
12 Behind this basic structure , teams were found to differ on a number of variables .
13 The Meretz group , which formed part of the new Israeli coalition government [ see p. 39028 ] , signed on July 9 a coalition agreement with the Labour Party which recognized Meretz 's right to differ on a number of points .
14 rather than walk round with wads in your pocket every day , they liked to be able to work on a day to day pay system
15 Are there general principles which will determine the relevance or nature of the specification , or does the analyst have to make ad hoc judgements on these questions each time he attempts to work on a fragment of discourse ?
16 A graduate scientist is required in the Measurement and Instrumentation Section to work on a range of projects concerning analysis of beer and its raw materials .
17 The only problem with the job was that I had to work on a lot of Saturdays , which naturally interfered with my athletics , though the company were quite generous in giving me time off .
18 Whistling to himself , Henry laid the table , while , in the corner of the kitchen , Maisie finished her last chocolate bar and got to work on a packet of crisps , a tube of Rollos , half a pound of jellybabies and a jumbo bar of Turkish delight .
19 For that reason , he volunteered to look after Ron Martz , of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution , and his ‘ primary assistant ’ , Lloyd Burchette , when they arrived in Nicosia at the invitation of the DEA to work on a series of reports about international drug trafficking .
20 Over last winter all the stud holes were drilled out and re-tapped and recently volunteers were busily repositioning support timbers to work on an area of rust on the front ring .
21 He was already contemplating a new play , but he had first to work on an essay on George Herbert which he had promised to Bonamy Dobrée .
22 More recently she headed over to Dublin to work on an album with producer Kevin Moloney who , in the past , has masterminded releases by the likes of Sinead O'Connor , U2 and Clannad .
23 On them you will find all you need to know on a variety of subjects such as :
24 His friends have also suggested that he would be willing to sell on a stake in MK Trafford Holdings , the Isle of Man-based company through which the bid is being made , in order to raise cash for the deal .
25 As for the borrowing lecture and the lecture on job creation , I have been able to state on a number of occasions when I have been a little more demotic that all independent forecast suggest that under a Labour Government — heaven forbid — borrowing and unemployment would be higher .
26 It is willing and able to feed on a variety of prey species , up to the size of antelopes .
27 Near-by , Pipkin and Dandelion were pretending to feed on a patch of scrub .
28 The new space will enable the three departments to exhibit on a three- to four-month rotating basis , showing up to seventy-five works per time .
29 On Sept. 3 troops were also seen to fire on a crowd in Sebokeng , killing 11 people .
30 The Lynx is being designed to fit on a 6″ by 9″ circuit board for embedded and mobile real-time distributed applications , and the Center plans to deliver a small number of the four-processor Lynxes to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in the fourth quarter of 1993 under a US Defense Department development programme .
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