Example sentences of "[to-vb] that [art] [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It seems that the Government are not prepared to accept that a lot of people are not sufficiently intelligent to understand the system and the bureaucracy that the Government have created .
2 I 've had to accept that the kind of woman who attracts me is n't the kind to sit at home having babies and darning my socks .
3 Conversation with Alexei had been limited for the past day to standard matters of duty , and since he had not been able to think of anything which he could say to change his son 's attitude , he had allowed himself to accept that the state of affairs which existed between them was likely to be permanent .
4 Gossip in Mother Russell 's had it that they 'd made their fortune by some prize , for there were one or two men in Harry Pascoe 's crew who thought they had seen strange goings on close inshore under the Gribbin the previous October ; but these would not be drawn further , and although it was never put into so many words , people came to accept that the source of Harry Pascoe 's wealth was not a safe subject for public discussion .
5 Saad Rashid was a shrewd man , good with figures , but it did not take his shrewdness to know that a sentence of death would have been passed upon him by those who had once been his colleagues in Baghdad .
6 YOU MIGHT also like to know that the University of Minnesota has banned the use of mistletoe this year .
7 It was poor propaganda for the outside world to know that the granary of Europe was suffering from famine conditions .
8 It is good to know that the name of Medau is being kept to the forefront of public attention with the publicity surrounding the launch of 's video ‘ Medau — The Art of Energy ’ , and the articles recently published in the Sunday Telegraph .
9 The reason for the inclusion of the word ‘ limited ’ in the title of limited companies is to enable those trading with the company to know that the liability of members of the company with which they are trading is limited .
10 3.3 While it may be sufficient , in practical terms , to know that the assessment of damages for pain and suffering or other non-primary loss , is , in any particular case , going to depend largely upon the amounts awarded in previous cases which are perceived to be similar , or at least , where there are no such cases , upon the generality of awards of compensation for injury of that general type , that is unsatisfactory as a conceptual basis of compensation .
11 Chief Executive George Mathewson is delighted with the 8 to 1 seal of approval , ‘ It has been a terrific boost to know that the number of customers impressed with our service far outweighs those who have a complaint , ’ he said .
12 My hon. Friend will be glad to know that the denial of information will shortly come to an end .
13 It is to be fully human and yet to know that the Garden of Eden man is the creature of clay feet .
14 When the find spots are plotted by king or tribal grouping it is reasonable to infer that the area of circulation of their coins , especially when these are of low value , reflects the territory of a king or tribe .
15 In order to infer that the effect of X on Y is a direct causal effect , any variable which is related to both X and Y and causally prior to at least one of them must be controlled .
16 Ltd , the position has now been reached that in order to establish that a duty of care arises in a particular situation , it is not necessary to bring the facts of that situation within those of previous situations in which a duty of care has been held to exist .
17 Bartlett 's work was a reaction to the strict controlled experimenting of Ebbinghaus , using nonsense materials , and he set out to establish that the process of learning involved a restructuring on the part of the individual towards a better organisation from his own point of view .
18 In the end , logic appears to demand that the right of recovery should require neither mistake nor compulsion , and that the simple fact that the tax was exacted unlawfully should prima facie be enough to require its repayment .
19 ‘ I was fascinated to discover that a number of Americans worked for SOE before America came into the war .
20 Even as he uses the accommodation in Annexe A to manoeuvre Serafin into discovering for himself the waiting garret , so he is using the garret to manoeuvre him into rejecting all the proposed associates in Annexe B. Once Serafin has insisted on installing himself in the garret — against all reasonable advice — he is going to discover that the kind of staff he needs will be young and agile , with a good knowledge of the backstairs of Government buildings and an ability to duck their heads and remain inclined slightly forwards for long periods of time .
21 It was depressing to discover that the warmth of Alexei 's concern was a sham , and that it had been aimed at making him susceptible to ideas which would lead to the industrialisation of Tarvaras .
22 So it is surprising to discover that the substance of Proofs was indeed a three-page essay in Granta — especially when one considers the puritanical intellectual rigour that characterises Steiner 's literary style .
23 We shall return to this issue later , but it surprised me to discover that the population of Waltham Forest needed more expenditure per head for such deprivation than that of Cleveland and about the same amount as Knowsley ; similar observations stem from the comparison of Hackney and Westminster , although this is hampered by including components referring to ILEA .
24 Given our general theme , that it has been attitudes which determine methods , it is perhaps not surprising for the reader to discover that the amount of research on the effects of the systems of signing is very small indeed .
25 I was pleased to find that a number of pamphlets on the town had been published in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by a keen amateur local historian .
26 Despite being very close to an agreement with NALGO it was disappointing for the Special Finance Committee held on the 7 October 1992 to learn that the latest package offer had been rejected and to find that a number of employees had taken industrial action to lobby the meeting .
27 Thus we might expect to find that the giving of grades has a crop of side effects peculiarly its own .
28 It was a relief to find that the narrowness of mind was common to both sides .
29 In such a mixed territory it is no surprise to find that the quality of watercourses is often strikingly disparate .
30 However , in practice it is rare to find circumstances in which the court would be prepared to find that an obligation of confidence arises by virtue of an implied term of a contract but not by virtue of an equitable obligation ( see for example Marshall ( Thomas ) ( Exporters ) Ltd v Guinle [ 1979 ] Ch 227 ) .
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