Example sentences of "[to-vb] for [det] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What on earth was she supposed to wear for this evening with Dane — this evening that was n't exactly a date , yet she could think of no other description for it ?
2 It must have cost a lot of money to go for that amount of time ?
3 And in a sense Mao is saying that it 's , it 's not right to go straight for land reform , you , you 've got to go for this policy of rent reduction , interest rate reduction first .
4 So try to get him to a point where he is agreeable to discussing the problem openly with you or else to go for some form of counselling .
5 Incomes policies were seen as crucial to help solve our problems , yet over and over again governments found that political pressures made these very difficult to sustain for any length of time .
6 If he thinks recovery for emotional injury is unjust , he will have made the future less unjust in the only way that counts for him : fewer people will suffer the injustice of being made to compensate for this sort of injury , which is better than more people suffering that injustice .
7 A compromise was eventually negotiated in which the space to the west of the building , originally planned as a garden , was devoted instead to a car park and to compensate for this loss of amenity , the Historic Buildings Council then agreed to pay for the provision of the jetty and roof garden .
8 With respect , it is submitted , that to the extent that the observation may be characterized as seeking to compensate for any lack of clarity in the formulation of the rule in Pepper v. Hart , by the threat of judicial orders for costs , this approach is wrong in principle .
9 The Purchaser should rely on the normal contractual measure of damages to compensate for any breach of Warranties — ie the difference between what the Business would have been worth had the warranty been true and what it is actually worth in the light of the breach .
10 Outside public sector employment , which offers transferable pension rights , occupational pension benefits are maximised by minimal job changing or by an ability to compensate for any loss of pension rights on job change through a better remunerated new job .
11 Both sides appeared keen to work for some kind of reconciliation , although how much of their willingness to co-operate was purely political was never made clear .
12 Any review of the structures is not likely to stand for any number of years , it 's not likely to get absolutely right , erm , and so be flexible about your approach .
13 The speaker is less likely to gulp for more air in mid-sentence .
14 Still , it would probably be futile to look for another increase in base rates immediately , if at all .
15 Spearman 's rank correlation was used to look for any relation between oxygen saturation and incidence of arrhythmias .
16 Its focus is not so much on the individuals who work and produce as on the production process , and this rather impersonal and abstract approach makes it difficult or even unnecessary to look for any exclusion of women , although this occurs .
17 Erm did you see that th they 're , they 're going to look for some sort of gene called the Churchill factor ?
18 Accountants should ensure that general managers know what financial profile to expect for each type of SBU .
19 The debtor himself has to apply for this type of order , in practice often encouraged by the plaintiff .
20 But anyone wishing to apply for any type of house renovation grant should be sure to consult the local council at the outset for advice .
21 It is possible that those who work in education , even at senior management level , lack the confidence to press for this sort of recognition ; a diffidence which has its origin in the perceived ‘ otherness ’ referred to above , combined with the erroneous view that education has little or nothing to offer a commercial board-room .
22 He also confirms that a heavy goods vehicle has just been loaded and is about to leave for another customer in Tamworth .
23 The first stage being the establishment , the next stage being penetration , the third stage being damage , what actually produces the damage in the disease , and the fourth stage is , if the disease is going to last for any period of time the ability of the organism to persist .
24 Whatever type of path you intend to lay , you will have to give it a proper foundation if it is to last for any length of time .
25 Blood may have continued to ooze for some time after death , though less so here than from a dependent part .
26 Will you have enough to do for that length of time .
27 The aim of the conference will be to do for this junction of Europe and Asia what the Helsinki conference in 1975 did for the rest of Europe .
28 Even when my application was on its way I still could n't convince myself that what I was doing was likely to qualify for any kind of grant .
29 Even these more sophisticated attempts to elaborate where power lies and to allow for some freedom of manoeuvre for the state in capitalism can between , however .
30 To allow for this degree of participation by wives the buildings were designed to make manual work easy or unnecessary .
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