Example sentences of "[to-vb] and [verb] [pron] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The rest of those in the room have to try and do what the leader does as fast as possible afterwards , but without making obvious who the leader is .
2 I 'd like to try and define what the difference between and eating disorder and simply wanting to be a different shape or a different size is ?
3 When the men of the World Council of Churches in Geneva heard Arthur was at Caux they phoned him to come and tell them the truth about Rhodesia .
4 And they used to come and give us the pattern , what the butler got to lay on the table ; the tea-service would be the same pattern as the tablecloth was .
5 ‘ Yes , I wish to leave , and I want you to come and show us the place where those two corpses were found . ’
6 For after the rain came hail , to batter and crush what the water had left undamaged , and after the hail , snow , sudden freezing squalls that piled white drifts in every cranny and across every open space .
7 The alarm will trigger in a central control point and the people there will either ring a neighbour to ask them to go and see what the problem is , or immediately ring the emergency services .
8 Right , I 'll get off to shop and get her the stuff what she wants , and make her her dinner .
9 These have to be married with the individual dreams of each business who , in addition to achieving the best they can ask for their business , have to perform and deliver what the board has asked of them for the company as a whole .
10 ‘ I shall have to wait and see what the situation is with Lazio before I know about England .
11 Rather than enter this fray it could be better to wait and see what the outcome of the vote is .
12 Well you 'll have to wait and see what the inspector says on the greenbelt .
13 To vanish and give herself the chance to rebuild her life .
14 You 've got to give them a very specific task to do and give them the support and the materials to do it with and make sure it happens so that when they turn up at 3 o ’ clock , it 's set up to go .
15 Show us what you want us to do and give us the strength to submit our will to yours .
16 For Neil Kinnock , a dish of leeks baked in Caerphilly sauce — easy to eat and comforting whatever the outcome .
17 The medium bombards and basilisks , made by John in his wisdom with trunnions , now showed the virtues of his new two-wheeled carriages , which made them easy to move and regroup whatever the weather .
18 He is speaking for a Government which has been in power so long that it believes it has a God-given right to govern and denies anyone the right to criticise .
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