Example sentences of "[to-vb] the [noun pl] [coord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On Tuesday 14 June , " representatives of the girls in the composing department of the printing trade , attended to address our [ i.e. WFL ] members " , and on 25 August a deputation went to see the employers and called for a Board of Trade enquiry .
2 It is our capital city , after all , and it is quite exciting to see the sights and stay in those lovely hotels — I like travelling by train too .
3 Two metres of water was pumped into the vessels to float the roofs and check for leaks , before a similar amount of oil was introduced to the tanks .
4 Sultan Mahmud I ( 1730–54 ) attempted to disband the janissaries and to put in their place a modern force , modelled on the standing armies of his European enemies .
5 Per curiam. ( i ) It would be wrong for police officers to adopt or use an undercover pose or disguise to enable themselves to ask questions about an offence uninhibited by the requirements of Code C and with the effect of circumventing it ; were they to do so it would be open to the judge to exclude the questions and answers under section 78 of the Act of 1984 ( post , p. 237E–F ) .
6 Were they to do so , it would be open to the judge to exclude the questions and answers under section 78 of the Act of 1984 .
7 Several Q.T 's have joined us over the months and have greatly enjoyed getting to know the students and working with them .
8 I got to know the blobs and wiggles in that rough circle that looked like a sample from an oil slick , until I could draw them blindfold , and I began to visualize them inside me .
9 They then move a little further down before taking up the major part of their trip , largely unbroken to the Gulf of Mexico except for stopovers to explore the towns and recover from incidents , including loss of their canoe on one occasion .
10 All British aquatic clubs are eligible to receive the questions and answers with prizes for the highest points obtained .
11 There was a dry , raw whiteness to the sky and when , at last , Caspar stopped to consult the maps and discuss with Fenella which road they should take , his breath formed a vapour on the air .
12 Use any pastry scraps to decorate the pies and glaze with beaten egg if required .
13 They used to come out every summer to Southmoor , where I lived , to pick the hops and work on the local market garden and erm I agree with whoever said if you treat them right they 'll treat you right .
14 The thought sent her spirits soaring upwards , and she sprang out of bed to open the curtains and let in the early sunshine .
15 If the ferret emerges it will try to reach the intestines and fall into the hole .
16 In addition to the identification of specific fiscal problems faced by each of the three countries , the research will be able to highlight the similarities and contrasts in the governments ' approaches to taxation problems .
17 Then he 'll give feedback to eliminate the weaknesses and build on the strengths .
18 On June 17 Jordan launched an international appeal to halt the trials and to help save five Jordanians who were among those sentenced to death .
19 The Wye is used for a whole range of activities including people who just want to walk the banks or go for picnics .
20 Sources predicted that there would be no sign of the frostiness which greeted Mr Spring 's suggestion , in a Guardian interview in July , that both Governments might have to bypass the parties and aim for joint rule .
21 There had been an inclination on the part of the young people to leave the farms and migrate to the towns for the ‘ better life ’ .
22 Third , it is made public , that is , shared with others who may be able to use the findings or build upon them .
23 Third , it is made public , ie , shared with others who may be able to use the findings or build upon them .
24 When evaluating expressions for the Weyl tensor , it is convenient to use the coordinates and defined by ( 10.10 ) ( it may be noticed that these differ from those used by Ferrari and Ibañez ) .
25 She shook her head to dispel the shadows and looked at the four children sitting listlessly on the couch .
26 Get someone to do the alterations and mending for you .
27 Its responsibility is to plan , resource and control the processes involved in converting raw materials and components into the finished goods required to satisfy the needs and wants of the organization 's existing and potential customers .
28 A company following the marketing concept overseas , i.e. trying to satisfy the needs and wants of target markets at a profit , must keep abreast of changes in the cultural environment which affect people 's attitudes and values , and hence , indirectly , their needs and wants of products and services .
29 Byford had only to read the newspapers or listen to the barrack-room talk to know the figures : over 400 police stations destroyed so far in 1920 alone and two senior police officers assassinated .
30 Oil , that most precious of natural resources , the stuff which makes the wheels of industry turn , was at that moment being set ablaze to pollute the skies or pumped into the Gulf to pollute the seas .
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